
Is it possible to grow about 1-2 inches. Im 17 years old and im about 5'9 and 1/2. I ve never really had a big

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growth spurt yet (grew pretty steadliy not all of a sudden). Just wanted your thoughts, experiences, tips to help growth. I know its mostly genetics but still want tp get some thoughts.




  1. Natural size of a person’s organ fulfill the biological and sexual need of human being as v****a adapts to the size of the p***s and p***s size itself has no bearing on female sexual satisfaction but psychological factor plays very vital role. There are many ebooks, pills and oil available for the enhancement of p***s you get the information on various websites. Address of one of the website is You must check the reliability of the products before use.

  2. Me too :+(

  3. It is definitely possible.  I have known guys from high school that were noticeably shorter than me at graduation.     Then I met them several years later and they had grown considerably.   Some were your height and turned out to be my height (6 ft.) 3 or 4 years later.  You can grow in height up to your early twenties.   The last bones to stop growing are your clavicles. (shoulder bones, from sternum to shoulder, as late as age 25)  Which is why older teens and guys in their 20's often have broader shoulders than guys in their middle teens.  The only help to keep growing is proper nutrition and exercise.  There are clinical processes to promote bone growth, but these are used only to stimulate the healing of  fractures.  It would be interesting to know how much you have grown 3 years from now.  Good luck

  4. You're only 17. Chill out. haha

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