
Is it possible to hate the one u love...?

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or does it have to be one or the other?




  1. I loved my Dad dearly but I hated some of his traits.

    I love my other half dearly - but there is no aspect that I hate.

    So for me Yes and No. Regards. UK

  2. Sometimes its a love hate relationship

  3. well its funny when u think about it.Hating the one you love. hate is the opposite of love.I believe that you can actually dislike the person you love.Like you could die for them... but dislike them.Like family members and spouses.However i don't think you can hate the person u love.Unless your schizophrenic!

  4. Love and Hate are not always the opposite that many people believe them to be!

    We have a little problem with the meaning of words in general, and these two a use to describe strong emotions!

    What are emotions?

    How do they work?

    What are there origins?

    These are very open question which neurobiology is still working on!

    ( I have some American scientist magazine on this ;-))

    However what you asking about is the all to common confusion between strong emotions (which are often temporary) and the sense of feeling such as loyalty!

    We are never 100% and love is not (or at least should never) all consuming!

    It is in fact both quite normal and objectively good to for mixed feelings!

    The important thing is to be able to separart then cause or reason of each feeling and andress that particular problem!

    break things down into their components and face them Step by Step ;-))

    You are the one who feels, so know yourself!

  5. I believe it is completely possible to both love and hate a person.  If you love them enough, when you get angry enough because they hurt you in some way, you can hate them, at least for a while.  As long as you love them more than hate them, all is well.  

    In my own experience, once you have that much invested in a person emotionally, the thin line between love and hate is there, and is crossed at times.  But, as I said, as long as you go back to the love side and spend more time there than the hate side, the relationship is a good one and worth holding on to.

  6. Love and Hate are both involuntary emotions, you can't make someone love someone, or hate them. So yes it is possible for these two emotions to coincide. When you actually create the emotion, then you have a choice but with love and hate it is much harder.

  7. I love my husband but hate a few of his traits and actions. But I am sure that he feels the same towards me at times to.

    With my was a love/hate relationship. I loved to hate him!

  8. My experience has been that they seem to go hand in hand....but loving the one you hate is not the same thing so don't get it twisted.

    ???  did that make sense to YOU...cuz in my little mind that seems to jibe...hmmm.

    what up chica?

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