
Is it possible to have a full period and find out you are prego 2-3 weeks later?

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Just curious if it is possible to have a full period and then find out your pregnant.




  1. weel actually it is i am going thru the exact same thing right this moment.  

  2. Yes, it is possible.  Some people continue having regular periods (more than one) and then find out they're pregnant.

  3. yes i hear so

  4. yes, it's possible. i had a full period july 13 2007 to July 15, 2007 and found out i was prego aug 4.  

  5. YEs it's possible ive even heard of girls that have their period all the way through thier pregnancies.

  6. yep

  7. yes.  I found out that I was pregnant when I was 2w6d.  that is from my last period not from conception so yes it is possible.  another way is if your "last period" was actually implantation bleeding.  it can last for up to 3 days and resembles a light period for some women.

  8. yes it possible, however rare. my mom had one until she was 4 months along with me.

  9. YES!!  It's not an actual "cycle/period" Sometimes, it can be "implantation" spotting/bleeding.  Some women experience bleeding episodes monthly or even more periodically through pregnancy.  Bleeding in pregnancy is never normal, but it's not always abnormal (if that makes sense).  If you have bleeding while pregnant, you should contact your Physician, and don't put anything vaginally (ie: intercourse, tampon, etc) until your doctor clears you.  Good luck!!

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