
Is it possible to have a lasting marriage....?

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Is it possible to have a lasting relationship....?

when one person leaves the other, fools around, and then comes back after they realized that they still love the one they left?




  1. I believe it is possible but it will take a lot of hard work....ALOT.  I am currently in this situation and eventually you will forgive but honestly you will never forget.  Sometimes the littlest line in a movie will make you remember.  It is the most difficult thing I have ever gone through and it will not work unless the person who fooled around is ready to be open and honest and is ready for the questions when they go somewhere.  Where were you, who were you with, who else was there.  If they want to make it work they need to be an open book and that is just the beginning.  

  2. I think anything is possible but there is reasons why a person does the things that they do like hurt the one they say that they love. If they couldnt be faithful the first time around you best believe that they will not be the second time around either. It ended for a reason.

  3. It's possible only if both partners put in 100% effort to get over what happened.  The one who left and fooled around would have to do extra work in getting the trust back into the relationship and the one who got left behind would have to be willing to forgive.

  4. It's possible but both have to really be willing to work at the relationship. The cheater has to understand that it's going to take time to earn back the trust that was lost and the person who was cheated on has to be willing to let bygones be bygones.  

    Person cheated on must believe...he/she went out and tried to find something better and realized that the best was at home.

    The cheater must believe....I checked out the grass on the other side and it wasn't any d**n greener.

    If they're both willing to move forward it a positive manner I think they can do it.

  5. It IS possible, but the likelihood of it, is very slim. Once cheating has occurred, trust is gone, and without trust you really have no foundation upon which to build...

  6. In this situation I would be surprised. To have a lasting relationship one should not cheat, lie and then come crawling back and expect things to be the same as before. They should have worked on their relationship in the first place.  

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