
Is it possible to have a period and still be pregnant??

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I ovulated on between cd12-14, did the baby dance all of those days. about a week later a started to cramp and bloat, it was still to early for pms. then added to that i started to get sore bbs and more tired than usual.

i never really experience sypmtoms before a period other than some light cramping the day of.

Period showed about 3-4 days late.

I was spotting, then the next day a light flow, and the third day it was completely gone with the exception of some very light spotting in the morning.

My cycles are normally 26-28 days long, this one was 29/30.

Now after my period i am still experiencing some cramping, gassy,still slightly bloated, and slightly tender/sore bbs.

The one thing that made me ask this questions is that all of a sudden non of my bras a big enough, its extremely hard to button any of my pants, and i have to pee all the time. not to mention the extreme fatigue for a couple of weeks.

please help me, is it possible i am pregnant?

has anyone else had a period before they found out they were?




  1. It could be implantation bleeding, which may occur when you expect your period.  I know because the same thing happend to me.  Wait a couple weeks and take the test, you may be pregnant...Good luck!

  2. isn't it so much easier to take a test than to spill your guts and ask a bunch of strangers?  to answer your question is very possible to get your period while pregnant.

  3. Simple answer - yes, it is possible to be pregnant and still get your period.  

  4. Take a pregnancy test  

  5. Yes it is possible to be pregnant and still have your period, its actually happened to a friend of mine. My advice is take a few pregnancy tests and if they come up negative make an appointment to see your doctor. Good luck x

  6. Yes, it is possible to get your period while pregnant. Some spotting is also normal. I would take a test, or a couple of tests, just to be sure.

    But I would say Congratulations!

  7. Yes, it is normal. My mother had her period three months after she conceived and the baby was completely healthy.

  8. I personally have not but I know several of women who each had their period every month while they were pregnant. Try an early pregnancy test.

  9. i had one period, then the next month, it only lasted a day. that's when i knew i was. my preg tests were also neg until i took it that next month. i was pregnant the month before, it just didn't show up. make sure you take the test in the morning. that's when preg hormones are strongest.

  10. It's possible, but pretty unusual.

    However, from what you described, it doesn't sound like you had a typical period, so it could have just been light spotting or implantation bleeding.  I would wait a couple of days and buy another home pregnancy test and take it to see what's going on.

    Baby dust to you!

  11. yes it is possible to be pregnant and still have your period. i think a home pregnancy test will do you a lot of good...from what you describe sounds a lot like implantation bleeding and not your regular period. on the other hand you could just be stressing out and causing your period to be irregular...just go a head and take the test

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