
Is it possible to have a pill go in your lungs?

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I just swallowed a pill with water and right after I coughed like I do when I have water go down the wrong tube or whatever its called. Is it possible that the pill went down there to?




  1. it's possible, a friend's son inhaled a peanut like that.  His docs chose to just leave it.  I believe the correct term is aspiration.

  2. um.... i dont think so

  3. Yes, it can happen.  If it did, then the pill will dissolve and get coughed up.  You will be okay.  If you develop a fever or the cough lasts more than two weeks, go to the doctor.  

  4. Not at all, although it may feel like it sometimes. The pill must go through the digestive enzymes of the stomach, through the liver and kidneys and become assimilated and processed. You may want to go get a check up as you may have a legion or something....but don't worry about it as you will be fine.

  5. Not at all a pill can't go down to the lungs.

  6. No, it's not really possible.  While people can aspirate, it's not a normal occurrence in healthy individuals. Don't worry.

  7. absolutely possible. it can cause problems, mostly breathing. but most of the time your body absorbs it and everything's fine. if breathing problems happen, contact a doctor and if you stop breathing or anything drastic like that call 911.

  8. You can aspirate object down into the lungs but if you can breath normally right now most likely the pill is not obstructing anything, you probably just had water go down the trachea while the pill went down the esophagus.

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