
Is it possible to have all of your planets in the fourth quadrant of the zodiac? (pisces, aquarius, capricorn)

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is having 8 a average?




  1. I have done many horoscopes, and I have seen some like that. My own planets are in Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

  2. It is possible and just to point out that wach quadrant has an element missing in them.

    Ex. if you had taurus rising and you had all your planets in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, you would lack the fire element and that alone gives valuable insight as to how you would have to cope to compensate this.

    As you state, 8 planets in a quadrant is a lot. I have that mostly in earth. And the two that are not in that quadrant are Moon, also in earth and Saturn also.

    I have a fire element missing. What are the chances of these 2 other planets not landing in a fire sign?  Darn.....  !!!!

    Ed.... The initiating element here is earth and the missing one is fire. This type tends to identify with a larger-than-life activity. He or she wants to sense themself functioning on a grandeur scale in the outer environment, and often in a field of public service or social duty.

    Although motivated by personal impulses and needs, you express the lack of fire thru th einability to view yourself as just another separate entity with his or her own exclusive approach towards the world.

    In other words, you may regard your own needs and desires as basicallt those of everyone else and apt to universalize your ownpersonal interests and attempt to relate to yourself thru the agency of broader collective situations.

    You can initiate activities for others and inclined to direct such affairs, but only shows a dynamic interest in making suck an effort as long as your actions are given momentum by the support of others.

    Yo often act onthe behalf of others in a seemingly unselfish, humane manner. You do appear to have the stamina and persistence to work  with social conditions until you have achieved your goals.

  3. no such thing as average in a birth chart! everybodies different :P

  4. Yes, it is possible to have your planets positioned in one quadrant of a chart........

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