
Is it possible to have an unspoken emotional connection wtih someone?

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If so, how?




  1. Yes! I think is is anyway.

  2. Well, I'm not sure if unspoken but maybe nonverbal, like the way you feel when you are with someone and you are not talking or the way that person looks at you. Is this what you mean?

  3. I think so.  Some people you just "click" with.  It doesn't matter if it is someone of the opposite s*x or same s*x, you just feel connected to them.  Often this is how friendships begin.  Few people say "I feel an emotional connection with you", they simply become friends.

    I have taught for 2 years.  A teacher I work with has taught nearly twenty.  I admire her very much. We share very similar philosophies and I see her as a wonderful teacher as well as look to her for advice.  On a particularly trying day she simply walked in my classroom and made me center myself as well as my class.  She never said a word about what I should do or was about a completely unrelated topic (a meeting scheduled later in the week).  But simply her presence reminded me of why I was really there and how I should be managing my class rather that how I felt I wanted to manage my class.  I believe we have an unspoken bond...she sees me very much like someone to mentor and I see her as someone of admiration.

    While this is one of my experiences feeling connected to a woman, I think it happens with men as well.  Even as a happily married person I have connections with men other than my husband.  I do not believe this is something sexual or romantic, but rather something common shared with two people.

  4. Yes I have long believed in intuitive positive emotional connection. On the same intuitive level at times you can just as well dislike someone.

  5. You better believe it.

  6. Yes, there are ways to communicate nonverbally.

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