
Is it possible to have dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia?

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I think I might have all three of those. Cause lately in school I have been almost failing. If I do have these, I think I have discaclia the worst. I always mix up the numbers, I can't tell time, or I can't do math in my head. I'm in middel school. I can't write a stroy. I don't finish my letters. (forgit to cross t's dot i's) I mix up letters too. I got low low low low LOW! low 3's in my EOG's. I always dont want to go to school. I feel stresed out during the school year. I get in trouble a lot. That's not all the problems I have with school though, just some.

My question for you is: Is it possible to have dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia?




  1. Hi!

    Its possible to have a number of learning disabilities all at once, this does not mean that you have them, but that it might be a good idea to have your parent/guardian request you be evaluated for special education services.  Have your parent/guardian specify these areas as possible areas of need.  The testing if done by the school is free.  You can also receive a series of educational diagnostic tests through your parent/guardians health insurance.

    I know what its like to have a learning disability.  I have had to learn to compensate.  That is why you should be evaluated.  I now have a MS Ed and can say that I graduated with honors.  Learning what your limits are and learning how to adapt are the best ways to succeed.

    Good Luck!

  2. Absolutely.  One can have many learning disabilities.  Your writing here seems to cogent and ok for middle school.  As above me states, have your parents request testing at your school, in writing.  They have 30 days to comply. Learning disabilities should have been evident at an earlier age, but go ahead and request assessment.  Good luck and do not give up!

  3. yes it is possible. i know maney special ed teachers that teach kids. with all three things. you should be tested for all of those things, and based on what you posted in your question i think you do have all 3 things. talk to your parents, and have them contact the special ed department at your school so they can decide what to do about you being tested.

    good luck.

  4. It is possible to have all of the problems you've listed.  Is this new for you or has school always been difficult?  Severe learning disabilities don't just show up over night is why I ask.  I'd even like to suggest something else may be going on- like you may have an issue that is impacting you in all these areas.  Severe memory and language disorders can cause a child to have trouble in all areas, as can attention deficit.  There are also medical issues such as anxiety/depression and even lead poisoning can cause a cognitive delay.  If you haven't been evaluated already, it sounds like you would be a good candidate to figure out what's going on.  This eval should include a good hearing and vision screen, also.  Talk to your folks and see how they feel and then have them request a meeting at school where you can talk to your teachers about their recommendations for you.

    I evaled a kid this year that sounds similar to you, and he had a severe language problem.  He didn't understand most of what was said to him.  It's just that in previous years, teachers used more visuals and he was able to understand (with the help of classmates).  This year, the rubber hit the road and it didn't work anymore.  He also had behavior problems because he didn't want anyone to know he had trouble.

  5. I've never heard of having all 3.  However, I do have Dyscalculia and (mild) Dyslexia so I DO know you can have 2 of them. Sucks. If your grades are suffering, you need to talk to your folks and your teacher. ASK TO BE TESTED. Don't let them become excuses to fail. If I can get through school (honor roll) as well as 2 degrees with those 2 beasts, you can too. If you do have them, hopefully you will get a good LD teacher who can teach you some ways of managing it.

    Good luck!

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