
Is it possible to have fertility problems after having 2 children?

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Hi everyone, I have 2 children and we are TTC #3 but it seems that I have not had any signs of ovulation for the last 3 months or so. I have been tracking my period and my ovulation since december and every month I would get the same pains in my ovaries and then have a ton of egg white stretchy cm for 3 days in the middle of the month CD 14-17. When I missed my April period I thought I was pregnant, well in the middle of may (57 days since my last period I started what I thought to be my period 8 days of dark brown spotting, june I had a light 5 day period and July another light/med 5 day period. But I have had no CM since the beginning of April. Is that normal?? Please help!!!




  1. it's possible but isn't very likely at all.

    have you taken any tests?

    sometimes women can have a light period while they are pregnant.

    or it could be implantation bleeding.

  2. I don't know the answer to your question. Perhaps you could try to use and ovulation predictor kit to help determine if you are ovulating

  3. do you track your temperatures?  that is the best way to understand whether or not you are ovulating.  you can have fertile signs and no ovulation.  

    i am currently trying to conceive my second and am having a lot of trouble doing it.  i thought it would be just as easy, if not easier, because having one child should make you more fertile.  wrong.  i am on Clomid and am still waiting to ovulate this month (I am on cd 33!)  

    anyway, track your temps and then make an appointment with your obgyn.  the charts will help them to determine what could be wrong.  

    i wish you lots of luck and baby dust!

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