
Is it possible to have friends like....?

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Is it possible to have friends like on shows like That 70's show or Friends?

I find myself favoring the friendship in the shows more often because my friends don't really intentially hang out with me, Im the one that seem to be always starting conversations or asking them what they're doing on the weekends. Just to hopefuly get a chance to hang out.

So is it possible to have friends similar to friends on that 70's show or Firends?




  1. I don't have friends like that either.  It would be cool though.  I think it depends on where you live and stuff.  

  2. Only if your in the movies. Real life is rarely depicted by shows. They are the fictional reality that we desire, but are rarely true. They are exaggerated form of characteristics of types of people that may or may not have existed in real life.    Finding friends is easiest to do by being friendly and to be yourself, eventually you will connect with those of the same interests and make your own memories as friends. If you really think about it, you can keep a journal of what experiences you have and maybe someday write your own script for a show and entertain us with your imagination and antics of the people you know.    

  3. The film is great..........

  4. its very possible. my friends are like a replica of the 70's show, ahah i love them so much.  if your not satisfied with your friends, try getting new ones ?

  5. It sort of is. Those are shows and characters on shows are closer friends for longer periods of time than just about anyone would be in real life. The closest I've been to having friends like that I've met through being in clubs, etc. It's a lot easier to meet new people and start the hanging out thing as a habit than what it sounds like you're trying to do (and what I've tried to do many times): change the dynamic of the relationship a little bit with the idea of hang out time.

    I think it is sort of possible but improbable. Try to meet new people through some sort of class/sport/club.  

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