
Is it possible to have full on s*x in your dreams and feel it too?

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Because I had a dream in which a guy and I were about to but whenever I'm about to actually have s*x in my dreams I wake up. The dream that I actually had last night though, I felt the guy thrusting back and forth and I think felt his p***s. IS THIS POSSIBLE?!




  1. it's called a wet dream

  2. yes its possible

  3. Yes, I do all the time. If you think about it too much, that is what wakes you up. You have to go with it and just enjoy. Sometimes it is outside sensations that wake you up, if you can help it don't have an alarm clock or noisy pet/person in the room and sleep in a comfortable position.

  4. yes its possible

    thats why i wake up every morning humping a pillow

  5. Yes, not only that, but the sensations are much more intense and control is absolute. Unfortunately, if I did not want to have s*x in the dream, waking up was the response.

    Wish I knew for sure if there is a matchmaker in the dream world that puts souls together, or in my case, nymphs...just for the experience.

    Remote viewing anyone?

  6. Yes.  Luckily - I have had these dreams myself.  It is really a weird feeling I agree but I am all for it! LOL

  7. lol. If you are horny and you haven't got laid in a while yes.

  8. Oh the good old wet dreams...

    Mine are always such a tease...

    You're going to have a lot of these in your life, hun.  Better learn to enjoy them.

  9. yes.  definitely.  If you can imagine it awake you can imagine it asleep.

    The only requirement is to have a good imagination.  Just think about the deed, and how it makes you feel.  You should be on your way to a 'wet dream' in no time.

  10. Yeah,and I don't have them often enough! What always surprizes me is how vivid they are and 9 times out of 10 do not involve who I'm dating/with.In fact if I'm dating and sexually involved with a man,I seldom if ever dream of s*x with him.Always other people.Strange.And involving what usually does nothing for me in real life,that's the odd part.In my dreams it's a different matter.What I have always found even more odd is some of these dreams occured long before I was sexually active in reality...that totally baffles me.Don't know if that's normal or werid.

  11. haha yes this is an amazing privilege to have. But..Sorry to get all philosophical on you.. but this could be telling you something about your own love life..and sexual drive. Anyway,  I'm not sure not how to help you stay in the dream but maybe if you think about it deeply before you go to sleep you might be able to fulfill it or maybe get some answers. Good luck :) and have fun

  12. To try and keep yourself from waking up try to tell yourself in the dream that you want to experience the whole dream until it's over.

    Also you can do this by writing down saying a saying you create like, "I'm not going to wake up until my dream is over" and repeating it before you go to sleep. I used to say a different saying so I could wake up after my dreams and write them down to remember them.

    If you keep up with this consistently you'll find yourself sleeping for the whole dream! Hope I helped.

  13. You are having what is called a lucid dream. These types of dreams are ones where you are aware of what going on (to a certain extent) and can feel yourself participating in your dream. Very often, men and women who have dreams of having s*x wake up to find themselves having an o****m or as if they are getting ready to have s*x or feeling as if they have just had s*x. Google "lucid dreams" and read about them.

  14. oh yes!

    one time i had a dream that i had a d**k and was s******g this hot chick, it was weird. thats the cool things about dreams.. very real andcompletely unlimited

  15. Totally, I havent had one of those for a while, but when I did, it was extremely pleasurable.

    My boyfriend must have known too, because he woke me up and asked me why I was making so much noise in my sleep, I told him I was having a "nightmare" haha!

    Yeah totally normal.

  16. Yes. The brain is an amazing thing.

    It's called a wet dream..

  17. some people can even have these dreams and control what they're doing, wake up when they want, and then force themselve back into the dream to continue on! I've done it... it's just never been what you've done... =( lol

  18. Yes you could actually feel it but when you do, you actually get horny and stuff. Like I've had dreams like that and you actually *** in real life. So unless you want o****m flowing through your panties be my guest.


  20. this is called wet dreams. it's normal.

  21. I have had dreams like that. So I'd say yes. But it's not real, obviously.

  22. yes know clue how to control it though

  23. Yeah! It's possible! You wake up only becauseYOU REALIZE you can feel things and make a big deal about it in your head..... It's called a lucid dream.

    Next time, recognize that you can feel it but don't get too excited and say to yourself "wow! I can feel this even though I'm dreaming!"

    Instead, focus on what is going on in the dream and pretend like it's acutally happening. It works.

    Trust me.

  24. yeah i think so i feel stuff in my dreams (not s*x) but other things so i guess it would be possile.

  25. yes. many people have dreams like these. called wet dreams. its natural.

  26. its happened to me.. i didn't get to climax, but it was really realistic. not that i would know or anthing

  27. I did! Last night, it felt great, like I orgasmed, but when I woke up, I didn't ***..

  28. Yeah I just had one last night hahaha, it was the HOTTEST guy too I was a little disappointed when I woke up... :/.

  29. Wtf how come everyone is having these dreams but me lol.  I am sure its possible but i have no idea how.

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