
Is it possible to have fun?

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While being ecologically responsible?




  1. Is it possible to have fun while being ecologically irresponsible?

    Causing suffering, loss of plants, animals, clean water, stuck in noisey polluted cities ... doesn't sound much like fun to me

    Some of the happiest people I know have budhist philosopies

    and Bhutan measures progress by gross national happiness

  2. I enjoy walking in the hills with my dog.or fishing in the sea.

  3. No. Any kind of fun will involve breathing, and we know that if we exhale CO2 the ice caps will melt, the earth will burn and no-one will be exhaling.

    Global warming is a myth. Have fun while youre alive, youre a long time dead.

  4. Umm...YESS

    ride a bike or something...i dont know wat u mean bye funn, just dont Litter



  5. Yes, there's lots of ways to have one's cake and eat it, so to speak. For example, cycling to work is both greener and more fun than driving.

  6. Here's a suggestion:

    Download some info. for FREE which explains how new-style shelters could provide the young with affordable homes and  green living whilst surviving climate change and having fun.

    Here's the link:

    See: Project it

  7. Figure out how to live and love life and help every one else survive.I attended the Focus the Nation at Sierra College on 1-31-08. The event was the 2% Solution, a 2% reduction over 40 years to solve GW. Oil is a nonrenewable resource and we are running out-but not soon - $30 Gal for gas. The 2% Solution is ok for the USA for a 10 year plan to cut 20%. But over those 10 years, we have to be building renewable energy and about that time, we can cut an additional 20%. This should get us from importing any oil. We must have a pollution surcharge where we pay the real price (health effects, GW and cleanup) for oil, NG, coal, cigarettes, Cooling Towers, Cars, trains and airplanes. Humans have to put some of this nonrenewable into renewable energy like small hydro-electric dams, concentrating solar power plants, wind and wave machines, nuks, and geothermal. With the peak of oil in the 1970’s, peak NG in the 1990’s, having mined cheep coal, the peak of ocean fishing in the 1980’s, and the peak of uranium in the 1990’s, humans must stop procrastinating and make real changes to keep earth sustainable including in the energy debate, finance and regulation.

    Many of mankind’s advancements cause earth surface to warm, destroy the ozone layer, kill off endanger species, heat cities, and in some way cause more dramatic destruction.  Blacktop and buildings (roads, roofs and parking lots-heat cities), deforestation (air pollution, soil erosion), duststorms (increase hurricanes and cyclones, cause lung diseases), fires (cause pollution, mud slides, and deforestation), refrigerants (like CFC's) and solvents (including benzene destroy the ozone layer raising skin cancer rates) and plastics; cars, airplanes, ships and most electricity production (causes pollution including raised CO2 levels and increased lung and other diseases); these human problems we must fix to keep life on earth sustainable! Humans have destroyed half of the wetlands, cut down nearly half of the rain forest, and advance on the earths grasslands while advancing desertification which increases duststorms.

    The result is:  change is on the way, we just do not know what changes (where and when). Look beyond the hype, beyond the weather, beyond a quarterly report and beyond today. President Bush has made a choice of energy (ethanol) over food and feeding the starving people around the world; this is a choice China has rejected. The fact is Bush wants to buy your food to send to starving people since our is not available.

    Over the next 90 years carbon dioxide is projected to skyrocket as human’s burn more fossil fuels. The problem is, the oil will be gone in 30 years at present rates of consumption without projected increases. We have to come up with what will take its place. Again we have to cleanup our mess. One of the big problems we have is at some time Yellowstone will blow its top again, as the magma move closer to the surface, creating a nuk winter. After that we will not have to worry about the destruction of the ozone layer.

    But with that we must understand we have never seen what is now happening before. CO2 has never lead to temperature change, but temperature change has led to increases in CO2. The models have to be made as we go along with current evidence! But again adding a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere enlarges the earths sun collection causing warming; increase water in the atmosphere and it forms clouds cooling earth but sometimes causing flooding. Even natural events are warming earth and causing destruction. The sun has an increased magnetic field causing increases in earthquakes (more destruction), volcanoes (wow, great destruction), and sun spots. Lighting produces ozone near the surface (raising air pollution levels). The USA Mayor's have taken a stand and I believe are on the right track, we can have control and can have economic growth. The sun is available to produce energy, bring light to buildings and makes most of human’s fresh water. Composting is the answer to desertification. New dams are the answer to fresh water storage, energy and cooling earth by evaporation, we need many small ones all over (California needs 100 by 2012 and has not even started).

    That is why I founded, a geoengineering web sight where you can learn more about earth, the atmosphere, and how to sustain life on earth’s surface.

  8. Yes. Play football. Do something outside. Don't drive, use electricity or anything. Have outdoor fun - there's a big wide world out there.

  9. Hello. It depends on how ecologically responsible  you want to be. If you are on a just recycling level then you could do whatever you want. If you are appalled by someone even saying that global warming doesn't exist then in my opinion there is no way for you to have fun. The people who feel it is THIER responsibility to "save" the planet in my opinion overestimate their own self importance in the grand scheme of life. As if what humans do is of any importance for them to think that they have to take responsibility for life. Bye.

  10. Yes.

    Suck on a cylinder of laughing gas

  11. I must agree with you that it's not easy to be ethical and have fun at the same time. What you must remember is that in a modern world you cannot escape everything that is bad. If you buy a bicycle to commute on that bike has metals and rubber etc used in it's making but the impact it has while in use is better than using cars. What you need to do is find alternatives like brew your own beer you can still get drunk but the impact ecologically is better. Grow your own food its an activity that's rewarding. Try finding a safe place to swim instead of using chlorine filled swimming baths. I don't know you or where you live so it's up to you to decide what you consider fun and how you can stay ethical at the same time.

  12. Yes, of course. Many things you can do while being ecologically responsible, they just need a little thought as to how you do them because we have a long tradition of emphasizing monetary cost and ignoring the real costs.

    There are so many benefits to being ecologically responsible, not just for your pocket, the environment, but also in the way it builds community and networks.


    Become an activist. Brew your own beer, use micro breweries instead of imported beers. Get together with your friends over a vegan buffet where you all bring food to share. Go sailing, biking, horseriding. Go shopping if you must but visit vintage shops and second hand shops, much nicer and more unique. Get involved in community action.  Hold movie nights and sleepovers, not just fun for kids. The more I think about it, most fun activities can be done in an environmentally friendly way.

  13. yes

  14. I try to be ecologically responsible and I certainly have fun, and more of it than many.

    I walk and pedal as much as possible and use public transport when necessary.  The exercise is hugely beneficial to my health and fitness and is achieved in a fun way rather than in a boring gym.  It also enables me to enjoy singing and dancing which my contemporaries can only envy.  Very often after an evening jiving to New Orleans style jazz, people say how can you do it all night?  My answer is “Sell the car”.

    I am also a believer in reducing, reusing and recycling.

    By reducing, I mean buying less stuff.  This means I have no money worries and do not suffer the pressure of trying keeping up with the neighbours.  I have heard shopping referred to as retail therapy but it is quite clear to me that it is an addiction. Like other addictions it gives a brief pleasure but the feelings of depression soon return and combine with withdrawal symptoms to make the addict feel even worse than before and more beset with financial pressures.  Instead of buying stuff I enjoy the pleasures of family and friends, which is far more fun.

    Re-using is the art of breathing fresh life back into broken or redundant stuff.  This can be achieved by repairing and adapting and/or by swopping stuff with other people.  I can recommend Googling the term “freecycle” plus your own town to find a community of people in your locality that offer their redundant stuff to anybody who will collect it and by doing so prevent it from going to landfill.  The satisfaction to be gained from mending, adapting and swopping is great.

    Recycling might seem nothing but a chore.  But it does not cost me anything to compost my potato peelings, take my glass to the local recycling bin, and separate my paper, plastic and food can waste for collection.  And it is good to know that I am doing something to help achieve a cleaner and more sustainable world for future generations.

    My guess is that the asker of this question already does these things and enjoys doing so.  But come on everybody else; enjoy the benefits of an ecological lifestyle.  It is fun, it is satisfying and it is the future.

  15. Yes!  Shag a woman in sandles!

  16. Have the determination to change the things that can be changed in your life, accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

    It’s about attitude; I now walk a lot more. Good for health, regular exercise (and diet) is now thought to be the key to fighting of Alzheimer’s.

    Enjoy your life and the people you meet and experience you have along the way.

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