
Is it possible to have invitro fertilization to have twins even if you have no trouble conceiving naturally?

by Guest63923  |  earlier

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I would really love to have twins or even triplets but I know that my chances of conceiving them naturally on my own would be small. I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to arrange to have invitro fertilization soley for the purpose of having multiples? I would be willing to pay whatever it might cost.




  1. Yes it is possible... Yes it is very expensive. I don't know how easy it would be to find a doctor willing to do it though. I'm sure most of them have there hands full with patients with fertility problems.

  2. i would think taking clomid (with follicular tracking to see how many follicles are growing and to increase dosage at next cycle if not enough follicles growing) would be much cheaper and much less painful and probably safer.  however, don't know if your doctor would allow it.  ask him.  maybe bribe him :o)

  3. Yes, but I wouldn't see any doctor that would (I don't think that it's very ethical).  Plus, IVF is emotionally, physically and financially exhausting.  I think you have a romantic notion of what life and pregnancy is like with multiples.  Carrying twins and higher order multiples is much riskier than a single.  Just be happy that you CAN get pregnant.

  4. IVF is expensive, just see if you can get on Clomid or eat a bunch of Yams.  

    They will probably not give you clomid OR ivf anyway in there is not a problem.

  5. I am almost positive that this would not be allowed, at least not in the U.S.   Like some of the others said, it is a completely unethical concept to doctors.  Any pregnancy of twins or more is considered high risk in the medical community.  So, you would be literally asking them to put you at risk for no reason.

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