
Is it possible to have menstrual symptoms after menopause?

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Several years ago, my GYN determined that I have gone through menopause. I haven't experienced full menses symptoms for years. However, I still get many menstrual symptoms: bloating, irritability, cramping, and fatigue. The only thing missing is the menstrual flow. Some months these above-named symptoms are very mild, and other months they are severe. I mentioned this to my doctor at the last check up, and he was unconcerned. But I wonder if these are normal symptoms, despite the lack of menstrual flow, or if something else is going on. By the way, I'm 49, and haven't had menstrual flow or discharge in about 6 years. My mother went through menopause in her early to mid forties, and so I believe that I may have also.

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Yes I had a hysterectomy at 29 and I still had cramps and bloating and felt irratable for a long time so I started taking b12 it really helped its like when you a missing tooth you still can have a tooth ache your body has to adjust you will be fine hang in there sweetie.

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