
Is it possible to have more than one disorder?

by Guest65708  |  earlier

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I think i have more than one disorder and it scares me, but i don't know if it's possible or if i'm just unconciously convincing myself that i do.




  1. yes you can. Are we talking mental or physical? Either way you can have several. Hey don't diagnose yourself, go to a professional to evaluate you. There are medicines and other means for help available.

  2. Of course it's possible.  Most mentally ill people have been diagnosed with more than one disorder.  There's also no limit of disorders a person can have, but anything after 10 I would have to believe the doctor is a moron or the patient is making it up.

  3. Not only is it possible, but most people have more than one thing wrong with them.  

  4. Yes.  You could have more than one disorder at the same time.  Bipolar and borderline personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and narcissism, post tramatic stress disorder and borderline, etc.  Many of these conditions have overlapping characteristics.  So you might think that you have two conditions and in actuality you only have one.  Psychologists are constantly debating various diagnosises so it's not clear that they always know.  Only way that you can be certain is to have the diagnosis of a therapist or psychiatrist and preferably with more than one.  While it might feel scary, if you can figure out what your condition is and what's going on, you'll probably feel better.

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