
Is it possible to have no reaction to MDMA or MDA?

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I have taken 4 types of ecstasy, 9 1/2 pills in total. The "better" the pills the less i react. I think this might be due to me having no reaction to MDA or MDMA. The more methy the pill the more i react. My friends have reacted to every pill very positively where as I just feel up and not particularly more happy then usual.




  1. sure. well we all have our own individual chemistry.  if it doesnt work for you try something else. caffeine maybe??? ritalin or pot?  it is feasible they too react differently in u.  just be careful u mite find one day it hits u in flashback. l.o.l. seriously though try fasting or at least eating only lightly the day up to a session.

  2. I have experimented with this drug about 4 or 5 times.  It never did anything to me, even when the same dose was affecting others who took it.  So, based on our anecdotal evidence I think it's a possibility there are people immune to its effects.  This is interesting.

  3. you're getting bunk pills, and you're the only one that notices

  4. My guess you are getting back yard pills, which are common these days.... The methy pills work the best for going all night....please note that most labelled MDMA or MDA pills dont have the real substance in them but rather are replaced with other chemicals, that kind of give that feeling, but it aint the real deal...alot of pills are opiate based which can make you feel kind of stoned and not very energetic...also another common ingrediant is ketamine, which is also replaced by MDMA, cause its more widely available and cheaper to manifacture..also known as special k...but most pills are speed based...people these days like to cut the cost of making decent guess you are not having MDMA or MDA....Ketamine does give a great effect if mixed right....Unless you know who actually is making them, you really wont know whats in them, unless you get to know the effects of different becareful

  5. no your getting bad pills, or your just anticipating on it too much, ecstasy spills serrotonin, everyone has serrotonin, if yyou dont you would be  vegetable, your friends probobly took your money and used it for a pill themselves and just gave you some other pill, or unless the kids think that methy pills are way tyte, ive had a couple meth based pills, i didnt like them at all, it didn make me feel much happier just up, i couldnt sleep no matter how hard i tried my eyes were just big, try to find a new ecstasy connect

  6. buy a pill tester to see if ya getting the real deal?

  7. There is a good chance that the pills you are recieving are  watered down (or children's tylonol with the markings rubbed off).

    As for immunity or poor reactivity - it is possible, but highly improbable. There are some people who can drink 30 shots an hour and barely get tipsy - but they are the freakishly rare exception (and have livers like swiss cheese).

    It isn't unheard of though - there is a group of prostitutes in Africa which are under study now because they carry the AIDS virus but it doesn't affect their immune system in the least. Strange things happen.

    As for drugs, however, the blocking of receptors is universal. It may be that they are affecting you just as much, but your reaction to the toxins are simply different.

    Person A is poisioned by a snake and feels a burning pain as he dies. Person B feels a slight sting as he dies. They are both poisioned and dying from it - but they experience that poision differently though it is affecting them the same. This is the most likely explination as it relates to your case.

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