
Is it possible to have part of the root of a tooth break off in the gum, to cause a large "bump" in the gum?

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I have a large dental carie, that has been there for quite some time. Recently I underwent an antibiotics regimen, and about a month after I had a sharp pain in the tooth area. Now the gum below the tooth is swollen. Is it possible that part of the root broke off, and is now damaging the gum? I know I should see a dentist about this, unfortunatly prices are outrageous in my area, and dentists don't work for free.




  1. No, What this sounds like is you have an absess in your gums. You'll have to see your dentist and he can take x-rays and tell for sure, but to me this sounds like an absess in the gum line which means that the tooth above the bump in your gum is rotten on the inside and you'll need a root canal. This happened to me years ago. I had a cavity on a tooth. I waited a long time to get it taken care of b/c I was a wimp. I had a filling put in and that dentist said it was a good thing I took care of it then or else I'd need a root canal. A month later I had wicked pain that almost made me cry. I was popping aleve like it was m&m's. Pain went away, but went to another dentist and he took x-rays and said thats an absess ( I developed this large bump in my gum just below it) and you need a root canal. I know this sounds painful, but believe me. I have had 2 root canals recently & the first one I was laughing thru b/c I was listen to Rush Limbauh on the radio and the second time I fell alseep ( my appt. was at 8am ) .

      Check with the doc before you get freaked out though. Could also be just an infection, but thats what an absess is. Take Care!

  2. If the tooth was rotten, it's possible for the top to break off and leave the root. The other way around is highly unlikely since the root is embedded in the gum.

    If you can't afford dental care, try joining a discount plan. there are plenty, so shop around. Or negotiate with your dentist.

    If you're willing to let a student work on you (under a teacher's supervision) you can get free or low cost dental care at the clinic of a dental school.

  3. i pretty sure you might have an abscess...its caused when an infection creates puss under the gum its usually associated with pain in a certain tooth fever nausea consistent throbbing.  Try going to your local hospital or call...they all usually have a dentistry clinic there..and if you have a lower income and live on your own with no insurance can apply for somethin like medicare if you live in a state that has it. but if you do have an abscess and dont take care of it the infection can spread into you spine neck and adventually images of tooth/dental abscess and see if thats what it looks like considering i dont knowhat urs looks like  

  4. yea you need to see a dentist...probably an infection and now the tooth most likely needs to come out or have a root canal...should get it treated before it's to late then you'll be in even more pain...

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