
Is it possible to have perfect mental health, to be free of all mental disorder, disease, etc?

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Is it possible to have perfect mental health, to be free of all mental disorder, disease, etc?




  1. No, no ones ever perfectly healthy.

  2. No.  

  3. Yes

  4. Yes, certainly.  

  5. Its about time>> Finally a good question. I would have to say h**l No. Everybody is this world is damaged in some way. I mean come on, look at everything that is going on. All of us suffer from some kind of mental health problem, but you almost have to be a little nuts to make today in this world.  

  6. Yes, a lot of people escape it.  However, everybody has a personality type.  Some mental disorders are just people not being able to properly deal with the stressors that they have in  their life, and not having the right guidance to do so, and have sometimes learned the wrong way to deal with stress.  However,  some people are pre-disposed to mental illness, whether it be genetic or environmental environments.

  7. Yeah, but then you'd have to be happy all the time

  8. Of course it is.

  9. Absolutely!

  10. You'd have to set a benchmark for what represents perfect.  Everybody I know is a whack job of one sort or another, I know I am.

  11. nope.

    everybody has problems.

  12. It is possible to have satisfactory mental health.

  13. Pshh. The human mind's is so complex that at times I think the mind itself is a disease. I kind, but I doubt it. I mean take something as common as depression. Everyone goes through a sad spell and that itself is a "mental disorder." Sure you could be free from those damaging disorders like schizophrenia and manic depression, but still, you're mind is bound to have a sick day. It won't be until life is perfect that the mind will be at peace.  

  14. Nobody on earth, is totally void of at least some sort of mental disorder.

  15. Answer me this, a few decades ago, was it possible that everyone HAD to suffer from some form of mental illness, like is thought today?

    Back then we didnt have a mental disease n ame for every condition imaginable. Now even being shy is a disease.

  16. no everyone has something

    even me i was never diagnosed with anything yet i still have troubles as a teen..


    crying out of no where

    and suddenly im some where and i feel like im not there,in my own life its wierd

  17. Yes. you'll need to have perfect brain chemistry and a well-adjusted life.

  18. Nope

  19. Yes. It is possible. Unlucky for me I have REALLY bad asama.

  20. No because we are human beings and imperfect at best.

  21. As long as your human there is no such thing.

  22. I think everyone should be in therapy

  23. Mental Health, like all health issues, are on a continuum from very, very little health problems (including mental) from moderate to severe.

    E.g. ruffled to extreme rage

           alittle scared to extreme paranoid schizophrenia

    We all fall somewhere on that continuum

  24. I don't know. Ask John McCain.

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