
Is it possible to have pimples on ur d**k, I'm a virgin so I hope to death that i was not born with herpes?

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This is with all seriousness, virgin with occasional pimples on d**k. And Scared to death if I was born with that Herpes. They look and pop like a pimple. And I usually get sweat down there so i feel it would make sense.




  1. you cannot be born with genital herpes. It is an STD (sexually transmitted disease) therefore a person can only contract the disease during sexual intercourse or sexual encounters with direct skin to skin contact with an infected person.

    However you can still be a virgin who has never engaged in penetrative sexual intercourse and be at risk of contracting herpes simplex virus, via oral s*x with a person who suffers from coldsores (which is also herpes) on the mouth. You can also still contract herpes via oral s*x even if there the partner does not have an actual cold sore present. As there are certain times when the virus transcends to the nerves and is active, without any actual visible symptoms, (i,e no outbreak of a coldsore) this process is known as viral shedding.

    If you have not engaged in the following, and you are a virgin then it sounds like it is most likely to be a common spot / pimple. This may be caused by blocked pores, (similar to how we get facial spots). You may have clogged the pores with soap build-up / residue.

    The best thing is to get yourself examined by a doctor or medical practitioner.

    Normal spots are common in the genital area, especially if there is sweating, without posing any threat or indicating any infection. If you are a virgin and have not been at risk it is more than likely they are just harmless spots caused by blocked/clogged pores.

    However to put your mind at rest I would get examined just to be sure.

    No medical practitioner would see it as a waste of time if it turned out to be nothing. They would be happy to check to be on the safe side and give you a piece of mind.

  2. genital herpes is an std a sexual transmitted disease you can only get it from skin-to-skin contact if your having s*x with a infected person protected or unprotected is the only way you can contract this disease. If your so worried  go get check for genital herpes or something.But yes you can have pimples and be a virgin its perfectly normal because people do get private acne!

  3. y...e....s.....

    some people say its possible to contract genital herpes even without s*x. There isn't a chance (well maybe 1% if there are fluid on the toilet or you quickly used a towel that someone with herpes used). The only super contagious virus you could contract is probably HSV 1 , the oral herpes kind on your mouth.

    Everyone always ask "Oh i'm virgin can I get genital herpes" I have rarely (or never) heard of a cases where someone get it without engaging in a sexual relationship. If someone tell you he/she got genital herpes without having s*x, he/she is probably lying to cover up the reason (having s*x) why he contracted the virus in the first place.

  4. filthy language for virgin lips!

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