
Is it possible to have pure liquid water at negative 1 degree Celsius? and why?

by Guest21212  |  earlier

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Is it possible to have pure liquid water at negative 1 degree Celsius? and why?




  1. The freezing point of pure water is only zero Celsius at normal atmosheric pressure ( 1 bar or 1000mb).

    If the atmospheric pressure increases then the freezing point will go down and lower than -1C.

  2. Yes, if the water is under pressure its freezing point lowers.

  3. It's not naturally possible, no - water freezes at 0 degrees celsius, so at -1 it would be ice.

    I'm sure scientists have developed some spangly way of messing this around though!

  4. In exceptional conditions in nature, if water is completely still, it can be cooled to below 0 while staying liquid. I've read about some people coming across such a lake high up in the mountains. It was well below the freezing, but the water in lake was not frozen. One of them threw a stone into the lake, and the moment it touched the surface, the whole lake froze in seconds!

  5. Easy, all you have to do is to change the pressure of the room in which the water is situated. Just as if you take water to the top of a mountain where there is less atmosoheric pressure it will boil at far less than 100C, and take it down a mine shaft it will not  boil until it is far greater than 100C due to greater pressure, the same thing goes for freezing.

  6. yes

    Increased pressure will allow water to remain in the liquid state for temperatures as low as -22C


  7. Yes, in the absence of nucleating agents (particles which promote the formation of crystals) water can remain liquid below the "freezing point."  Even at standard pressure it can be a "supercooled liquid" down to -42C.

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