
Is it possible to have scene hair/clothes WITHOUT being scene?

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I really want to get blue/purple extensions and love the teased scene hair with bangs,but I AM NOT scene,I just love the hair.PLUS I've ALWAYS loved childish clothes and hello kitty...Now that I'm also getting the hair,and dress as I like,I'm scared that I'll look like a poser(and I HATE posers),and I'd look like I was trying to be scene but do it badly,especially as I like house music,pop,rock,ANYTHING so I'd look like I'm TRYING to be something that I'm not as I don't speak like them,don't have the same music taste,don't put as much makeup,I am not as thin...I like skating,being lazy and goofy...But with scene hair AND scene looking clothes/jewellery,could I look unique,individual?I really don't wanna look like a miserable poser...




  1. Just be yourself, its all you can do! =)

    I am sure that you have people that love you for who you are, you sound like an interesting person with a cute fashion sense.

    Have fun with it!

  2. You can't look unique is every other high school girl is wearing the same ****.

  3. Scene hair is so gross looking.

    I went through a bad stage of the scene trend.

    Never again.....

  4. Be who you want to be ... be yourself ... do wear the clothes and hair that you feel comfortable in ... personally, your only a poser if you change your ways to fit in ... sounds to me you know what you want so do it.

  5. If you be you without worrying about what anythone else thinks then you wear what you like. If you stick to a certain look and categorise it then they might think you're trying to be someone you're not. Again wear what you like because you feel comfortable in it. Listen to what music you like, music and clothes are 2 different things. People are too busy worrying about how they look to care if you're a poser or not.  

  6. Someone who Is really scene would never admit being scene anyway so I guess It wouldn't matter If your not and look like you are...

  7. Your the only one that can tell yourself your a poser. Dress to suit yourself, because it's really only you you have to please with what your wearing. Really, no one that looks at you will be thinking to so much detail as you are about yourself. So just dress and look how you want !!

  8. I worry about this stuff, too. I LOVE skinny jeans and just started wearing them, but I was scared of what people think. And then I was like, you know what? Fckkk it, cause I love the way they look on me and if you wanna do it, go ahead, and if some bitchhh wants to say something about it, ignoree them!(:

  9. YO!! i am the same..but aittle less i Wear scene clothes cuz it looks cute and stuff eyeliner and all BUT! i am not a scene person i'm more gangsta i know wierd but i was never called a poser *phew* i got lucky there... so whocares if u aint scene and ur wearing there clothes alotta ppl do that..why not just be scene? ..well not that i became but if u like it more then i then go ahead it's not that bad i guess...=)

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