
Is it possible to have too much good gut flora?

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ie: can you take too many probiotics?




  1. Yes and no.  

    You can have an overgrowth of both good and bad bacteria.  But for the standard American that is nearly impossible.

    The only way for it to get really out of hand would be to be taking mega doses of the stuff (depending on brand, potency, and delivery system,) for an extended amount of time, like months.

    How much are you taking and why do you ask?

  2. Yes!

    You want a nice mixture of many bacteria.  If you have an overgrowth of any bacteria, no matter how "probiotic" it is a bad thing.

    But, the amounts you would have to take to do that would be insane, unless you have an immune problem

    Go to your doc!

  3. YES ,  it is  possible to have  good gut flora                        

    Generally probiotics help to maintain a healthy digestive system by maintaining a balance between the harmful and beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are of benefit especially when taken during and after antibiotic treatment or when travelling abroad where the body encounters different types of bacteria than it is used to.

    Other possible health benefits include immune system stimulation, treatment of acute diarrhoea and other GI disorders and improved lactose digestion.

    some causes and remadies

    A poor diet

    Gut flora balance can be compromised by eating a poor diet, and also by rushing or skipping meals.

    What can you do? Eat a healthy diet containing a wide variety of nutrients and incorporating a regular quality probiotic. Also, try not to rush your food. Sit down, relax and savour your food.


    Research has shown that stress can cause the gut to become upset.

    What can you do? Figure out what helps you relax, like a walk or time with friends, and do it. Also, try to plan ahead to avoid pressurised situations.

    Food poisoning

    Infections with ‘bad’ bacteria such as E. coli 0157 and Salmonella can severely upset the gut flora.

    What can you do? Remember the ‘Four Cs’ when preparing food:

    • Cleaning (wash hands)

    • Chilling (chill food properly)

    • Cooking (ensure food is thoroughly cooked)

    • Cross-contamination – avoid it! Prepare different foods, like meat and vegetables, separately.


    A number of holiday factors (e.g. dehydration, inactivity and differences in eating habits) can upset the gut flora.

    What can you do? Try to drink only bottled (not tap) water and peel all fruit and vegetables. Don’t eat salads unless you know they’ve been washed in purified water. Stay active on the plane. Also, build up your ratio of ‘good’ bacteria in the gut, by drinking a bottle of Yakult every day for a fortnight before the holiday.


    The number of beneficial bacteria within the intestines tends to fall naturally as we get older. Our immune system also gets weaker.

    What can you do? Sadly, we don’t have any tips for halting the ageing process. It becomes even more important to take care of your digestive system as you age. A probiotic will help top-up the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which in turn supports your body’s natural defences.

  4. Yes, and the symptoms sometimes mimic the problem you are trying to address:  Diarrhea, cramping, etc.  If you've been taking probiotics and are experiencing some of these, try reducing (or temporarily eliminating) the probiotics and see if the problems resolve.

  5. There is a condition called bacterial overgrowth syndrome.  

    Details here

    Probiotics are not the benign cure-all as touted by the believers.  Yes, they may have a small role to play if you have been on antibiotics long term, and possibly to help women who get recurrent vaginal yeast infections.

    However, a recent study on their use in patients with severe pancreatitis showed an INCREASED death rate in people treated with probiotics.

    Nothing is completely safe.

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