
Is it possible to have true happiness without freedom? Why or why not?

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I'm writing an essay on this topic and I want to clarify exactly what I think before getting too deep into it. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. Both happiness & freedom need to be defined more clearly.

    Every-body's definition on these are individual....

    But on a societal level, if freedom doesn't exist, (freedom can take many forms, political/religious, many more besides) the society becomes repressed/suppressed...I don't think true happiness is possible if a society is living with the burden of repression/suppression.

    Take a look at the book 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley.

  2. happiness is liking what you get… freedom is choice… how can one not have a choice… what your forcing us… likes to sees them try… guess you could say it makes us happy when people try to take away our freedom… because then we get to exercise our freedom… and we enjoy been free…

  3. true freedom is won and lost in the heart.....

  4. For one thing there is no such thing as true happiness nor true freedom.

    Life is about choices and experiences think how boring it would be if everything were perfect?  

  5. If you are happy being controlled and told what to do, then it's possible.

    If you are happy being free to do as you please, within reason, without having to worry about a whole bunch of people, then you can't have true happiness because you are not free to be who you are.  

  6. Provided we're talking about happiness, and not merely diversion, no, it isn't possible.

    Happiness occurs when you achieve and/or maintain those things that are important to you. Without the freedom to choose these things and to act towards them, you cannot achieve them.

    Therefore, freedom is a pre-requisite of happiness.

  7. Happiness is the cat that chases freedom in it's tail so no because they need each other. Unless you find happiness in being captive of course ;)

  8. If people could have true happiness without freedom, do you think everyone would come and move to America then?

  9. Those who haven't experienced true freedom, as defined by the powerful countries and winners of history, only have their conscious experience as boundaries and a limited menu to order from.  Those people have plenty of happiness because they are ignorant by not knowing, so this is why ignorance is bliss.

  10. There is no such thing as true happiness in the first place.

  11. Of course its possible

    We do not know what we are missing if we have never had it to miss

    Besides what is true happiness    

    its a matter of perspective !

    Two men look out one set of bars  

       one sees mud  

       the other sees stars

    What is freedom

    freedom  is the ability to think and believe for your self

    freedom does not mean  a situation where one can roam freely

    so your essay topic has no standard of truth to it

    both subjects are based on personal perspective

  12. no. true happiness means being able to take YOUR decisions, if you dont have freedom, then you can't. however, i guess it depends on what makes a person happy, i guess it can be possible for some and not for others. when humans are involved it's very difficult to generalize!

  13. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose

  14. Yes absolutely. Imagine a prisoner on Death Row, who for the first time has made peace with himself, and/ or his victims, and found redemption (true happiness?) even in prison. In fact isn't that precisely what our correctional services promise? Redemption, and the resulting inner peace and true happiness...  

  15. Is it possible to have hot chocolate with out milk?

    Yeah... that's what i thought (:

  16. I think before anyone can answer this question honestly, they need to define freedom. Freedom does not have to mean owning a car, and having the means to drive on the open road to anywhere in this world.  Freedom can be having some independence to leave your home, and make your own decisions on who you talk to, or what activities you will engage in, and controlling your own life.  

    I have seen, and heard of relationships where a husband or bf wants to control everything the spouse does, thinks, or engages in.  These are manipulators, they want to control other people.  They put fear in the minds and hearts that if they do not do what they want, they will leave them and be alone forever, and no one will want them.  

    So, I come back to mention how I see the greatest freedom in this world.  I think it deals with freedom of your own personal mind / thoughts.  I, myself, was very negative for a long time.  My mind was being controlled by the negative, poor me, victim that I saw myself.  As soon as I started being more positive, and completely cleared out the negativity, I found my happiness shining bright... just waiting for me to bring it out into the world.  Since then, ( in the last 2 years for me ) I am such a  positive person, I seek so much self discovery! and just crave knowledge in general.  I have a passion for writing about this wisdom I have learned, I want to share it with others, and help change someone's life. I know this is a part of my mission.  

    So, to officially answer your question, in relation to me, I would not have this happiness I was born with without finally grabbing onto my freedom and taking charge.   And I have a feeling it would be similar with other people who feel like they have no freedom.  When someone gives that freedom away, they are giving away a part of themselves, that only we are suppose to have control over. So, yes, we all need some sort of freedom in our lives to really bring out that inner happiness!!

    Thanks for reading!

  17. Depends on your definition of "true happiness."

    With freedom, you just grow lazy and depressed. Without, you feel supressed, but never develop said chronic depression. From my prospective, "true happiness" is just an ideal.

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