
Is it possible to have two conflicting obsessions?

by Guest63997  |  earlier

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For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with food. I think about it all the time, I think about what I like and what I don't like, when I can have it, when I'm going to my favorite place to eat again..etc. But also, for the last 15 years or so.. I'm obsessed with my weight. I have been thin for a few years in high school then gained it back since. I think that in high school I may have had an eating disorder and for a while in college was happy and let the obsession slip away. I gained weight slowly, yet surely. Now I'm a little bigger than I'd like to be and finding it hard to stick with a diet. I just think about food so much, and eating again.. even when I'm full. I always have cravings. What can I do to stop this and get on with my life. I'm so sick of thinking about food all the time. Please help me.




  1. I have a conflicting food obsession too... My boyfriend just does not get it... I would love to eat all organic whole wheat meatless meals...I really don't like the taste of a lot of things that aren't processed... Yeah, I am working on this...I do understand what your going though

  2. I suggest that you try eating five small meals a day spread out evenly throughout the day, rather than three large ones.

    And, don't deprive yourself of the foods you crave.  Just restrict your intake by indulging sparingly and only occasionally.

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