
Is it possible to have ur period for more than a week

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Is it possible to have ur period for more than a week




  1. Of course it is.  

  2. I can't say because it depends how long it last.

  3. It's healthy and normal to have a period that lasts 3-10 days.

    If it lasts more than ten, talk to your doctor ASAP!

  4. yes it is and is also normal for some women just there is some women that have there periods for just 3 days ad others have them for up to 10 days at a time that used to happen to me and the Doctor told me this explanation and that was normal and all sp don't even worry abouit ok that just depends on your personal body that's all.

  5. yep. mine used to last for as long as 3 months until i got put on birth control for pcos.

  6. Yep, it's happened to me quite a few times, especially when I was younger. No worries.  

  7. it's possible but it's rare you should ask you doctor about that

  8. yes it all depends on the individual. personally mine last a week every single month. It just depends on the speed your body removes the built up blood. Its perfectly normal.  

  9. That's happened to me a few times.  It sucks, doesn't it?

  10. Yeap, completely normal, especially if you're a teen.

    Happened a couple of times. It sucks a lot, it should regulate after a while in most cases.

  11. Yes... I thought I was finished after 5 days but sitting through a test proved me wrong... I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom, so... ah.. yeah, it ruined my panties :(

    Went for a total of 9 days >.<

  12. unfortunately.

    i've had that happen. it sucks. it really. sucks.

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