
Is it possible to have your belt taken away?

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I did karate for about two years and got a blue belt right before I quit about a year ago. My friend who has been doing karate longer than I have says that if I go back after a year, I'll be demoted to white belt again. Is that true?




  1. depends on the school some believe if you earned it you earned it.  others will make you prove yourself and if you know everything you were taught which i guessing you don't they will probably let you keep your belt.  IF YOU DON'T KNOW ALL OF YOU MATERIAL as i suspect they will probably make you start at white but you be allowed to advance much faster then first tme students...


  2. It depends on the individual instructor, some will make you start back over and then put you through your paces real quick back up to blue others may let you walk right back in like you were never gone. Personally I made any student of mine that was gone for over 6 months go back to white belt, but I did it in kind of an unofficial way. I made them go back through all their early material and as fast as they could get it all back and show me that they had it make i would slide them back up through the ranks and never made them repay for tests they had already taken and passed. Each instructor is a little different and have their own way to handle this type of situation.

    Just go up and talk to him if you are interested in getting back into class and I'm sure he will be happy to work something out with you.

    Good luck!

  3. idk,

    when i did taekwondo, i had like blue i think or green, and i quited for like a year. so when i rejoined, he recognized me and i still had my blue/green.

    ask the teacher or something tho.

  4. It depends on the school - some schools will let you keep your belt, others will make you re-establish yourself.  I would bet you have to re-start but you'll be fast tracked and can get your blue belt back in 6-8 months.

  5. No, you'll have to test again for blue belt status. If you aren't capable of passing then you will be demoted to the rank your abilities are currently at.

  6. Your Sensei or Shihan will evaluate your current level and decide if you should start training from where you left, or if you need an adjustment period.

    I know a guy who was a brown belt and left for like three years, after that time he had lost a coupple of steps. He had really intense training sessions for like three months and once he looked good again, he retook his training program. During this time he always used his brown belt. Then again, I guess each schooll might handle these situations differently.

  7. no

  8. if the master says you have to get demoted you should challenge him to a street fight to prove your blue belt level skills so that he will be forced to give it to you .  

  9. Like others have said, it depends on the school.


  10. It matters. If you go to the same place, and the guy sees that you remember at least something, you'll keep your belt. Same happened to me.

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