
Is it possible to hide bulimia from a doctor?

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Is it possible to hide bulimia from a doctor?




  1. not really

    even if you could, you really SHOULDNT

    it is so bad for you mentally and physically.

    even if you did get away with it from doctors, dentists will find out.

    trust me its so bad for you. just tell a doctor and get some help.

    its for your own good. =)

  2. It might be possible in a cursory exam. However, the real risk here is to your heart.   Folks have mentioned the tooth erosion/decay, esophageal  inflammation/erosion and possible weight loss, but it's the irreversible cardiomyopathy that's likely to be the demise of a bulimic patient.   If it's you, please, get help. If it's your kid PLEASE insist on a full metabolic blood panel and cardiology work-up.  The pediatrician won't be looking for it unless you share your suspicions.

    BTW heart transplants are NOT available to those with self destructive life patterns.

  3. in most cases dentists diagnose it due to enamel damage on the teeth. doctors miss bulimia a lot because the patient doesnt always drop a significant amount of weight. also parents and friends arent usually suspicious of bulimics.

  4. no, they are going to pick up on the physical signs and symptoms

  5. sometimes yes, but in the long run no.  blood tests, and body functions will be abnormal, and your teeth decaying will give it away

  6. Yes but its stupid. There is no reason to because you need healp you cant be bulimic forever.  

  7. Not usually, you would appear: underweight, and if he/she looks in your mouth, will see a raw throat and rotted back teeth from the stomach acid. They will find out. You should get help. Trust me its unhealthy and you will die.

  8. No.

    Get help.

    That is BAD FOR YOU.


  9. no you need to seek help for your problem.

  10. No, please get help!  Talk to your doctor about it, it is terrible and I know you might feel like you can't beat it but you can! With your doctors help! Tell your doctor please

  11. No get help.

    Youre vegan?  Why go the alternate route and do BAD things for your body and teeth?!?!

  12. Externally, you can...however, if they take a look at your esophagus, they'll see the wear on it from stomach acids...but, normally doctors can tell signs of bulemia when the patients dead from lack of nourishment.  Trust me on this one...guys nowadays don't want stick figures.

  13. I dont think so


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