
Is it possible to higher the tone of my voice?

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Im a contralto and would like to be a mezzo soprano. Im getting a vocal coach, is this the right thing to do?




  1. Getting a qualified vocal coach is a great step toward getting to know your voice.  It may be possible to strengthen your upper range, but it isn't possible to just switch vocal's kind of just how you're made as far as I know.

  2. Don't make the mistake of equating singing high with singing well. If your lack of high notage is because of flawed technique, a coach can help you with that, but a low voice will always be a low voice. I know it's frustrating, because every young singer wants to be the one belting out the super-high notes that sound so impressive, but a true contralto (which is a bit rare, for the record) has an earthy quality that no puny soprano will ever be able to replicate. Don't sell yourself short.

    Regardless, getting a good voice voice teacher is definitely the right thing to do. Kudos.

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