
Is it possible to hop on board a freight train still?

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It happened during the Great Depression and people don't associate hobos as guys who jump on board a freight train anymore shouldn't they still do that? Like I've said in that one question I've always had the thought of doing that myself when I had thoughts of running away from home. So is it possible to ride the rails on a freight train anymore?




  1. I don't know if that can still be done or not. But I remember stories my uncle use to tell about the times he hopped  freight trains. Some of them were very funny, but then there were some that was downright scary.

    Aah..., them good old days, gone.

    Thanks for bring the memories back,


  2. It was illegal then, it still is now.  You can arrange for SHIP travel on freight ships very cheaply, though.

  3. I have a friend who works for the rail roads. Yes, you can hop on a freight train (many illegal immigrants do it), yes, it's illegal to do it (trespassing), it's a very bumpy ride and falling off a freight train going 70 miles an hour is a good way to end up dead and that would suck. I wouldn't recommend it. There are much better ways to see the country.

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