
Is it possible to just fall out of love? Out of seemingly no where? Thanks for your answers.

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for a while... just under a year... and suddenly I find myself angry at him all the time, not wanting to spend quality time or even just annoyed by his presence. I'm wondering if it's just PMS, because I get it REALLY bad. But is it possible to just fall out of love? Before I started getting these feelings, we got into a really bad fight and I told him he couldn't stay at my place for a few days. But now I don't know if I even want him to stay over after this week is finished. Or whether he will even want to. We both just seem to be grinding each other's nerves and pressing each other's buttons.





  1. Sometimes when you spend so much time with someone, you just need some space. Try that before you break up. You two both just might need a few days to breath...some time to MISS each other. After that time, re-evaluate your feelings. It is possible you two have outgrown each other. But you don't want to jump to ending it. Goodluck.  

  2. If you are truly in love with someone than the love is unconditional and always there. You may not like them but you will always love them and be in love with them. So you might have just stopped loving him and grown tired of him or your hormones might be taking control of you and you're having a hard time taking control. It could be any of those. But if after you're done PMSing you still feel that way maybe you just need time apart.  

  3. It could be possible that you two were spending too much time together, and now that you have had some time to yourself, you are enjoying it.  How was your relationship before your fight?  Did you stop doing things you enjoy, and seeing your friends as often as you like?  If so, that could definitely be why you are enjoying your time without feel almost as if you are single again.  And if that is the case, then you need to figure out what you want.  Think about how you would feel if he told you that he didn't want to stay over.  Hurt, sad, indifferent?  That should help you determine how you feel about him.  

    If you decide that you do still love him (you need to make sure that you love him as a boyfriend, and not just as a friend) the best thing for a relationship is a communication.  Tell him how you feel, and together try to figure out why you think you have been pressing eachother's buttons.  For example, maybe you feel resentful towards eachother about something that has happened.   Also, when I fight with my husband, I write him a letter, even though most of the time he never sees it.  It helps me to sort out my thoughts before I confront him again, and I use it as a guideline of everything that I want to say to him when we do talk it out, so that I don't forget anything in case the conversation gets side tracked.

    It is also possible that you just don't feel the same way about him anymore.  If you are still unsure at the end of the week, see how he feels, and maybe suggest going a few more days.

  4. You can fall out of love, but this usually happen when something bad has happen.     You and your boyfriend need to take a break/no see or talking to each other and then see how you both feel  

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