
Is it possible to keep getting dumber?

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I found results from a standardized test I took in fifth grade and it said I had a ninth grade reading level at the time. Maybe it's just me, but I think that's pretty good.

I don't feel that smart anymore! I stopped reading religiously when I was about twelve, the same time I lost interest in school. I feel like I'm getting dumber and dumber and.. dumber. Now I am just a stupid person. I probably still have a ninth grade reading level. And I'm 18.

How stupid do you think one person can get within a time span of ten years?




  1. and who's fault it this.. maybe when you were 12 someone should have been there to push you more and lead you more..

    BUT now you are what..?  18 years old..  you are smart enough to know that there is a problem.  SO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    STOP blaming others for what is wrong with your life..  

  2. You hit your maximum intelligence at age 16 and it is pretty much down hill after that...  It also depends on your diet, alchohol/ drug intake etc.   Basically, everything in life kills brain cells and you make less than you lose so you will end up dumber and dumber the older you get...

  3. What would be stupid is to do nothing about it. There is so much to learn, find something that interests you and learn all you can about it.I have noticed from observation that people who think they know everything really do get dumber because they refuse to learn. Good luck.

  4. Knock your head on a wall then see what happens.

  5. Weird, the exact opposite happend to me.  I thought I was dumb (always came like last place in class) then one day I just woke up and I understood everything! It was weird.

    I recommend you read, a lot.  Reading can make you a lot smarter (though reading one book that is like 500 pages won't make you smarter, reading many books that are around 200-1000 pages will make you smarter).  If you do plan on reading, make sure you read college level  books.  

  6. yes - George Bush seems to manage it

  7. You aren't any more stupid now than you were in the fifth grade, but neither have you made any growth.  When you aren't working on growing and learning, you soon feel more stupid than you are.  I answer questions here in Y!A and play many different kinds of computer games to keep myself from stagnating.  The one thing I want to do is learn something new every day, and work to get better in my game scores.  I'll play a game until I win, change my name and play it again and compare the results when I've won again ... and I get better, little by little.  I also read about a book a day (a fat book may take two days), and I suggest that you start reading again, at the same level you did when you were in the fifth grade, and you'll be surprised that there are many good books out there (I read mostly SF and mystery/thriller) and how much fun it is.  You have a computer, so you don't even need a dictionary ... just go on-line to any dictionary site and read that when you don't understand a word or concept ... and you'll start getting smarter every day!  Good luck!

  8. huh???????????


    no I don't think you got dumber you just got lazy while others might of studied harder and accelerated in their knowledge. You should get out of you poor habits and get prepared for your life.

  9. yeah

    keep on smoken that pot

  10. YES!  As an educator, I see it all the time.  Students who don't try in school, don't do any homework, don't study, etc. steadily lose their skills and have less knowledge than their peers.  So while you may not have lost the potential to be intelligent, you might be behind what people your age typically know and can do.  Learning comes easier the younger one is--so it would have been better to keep up with your classmates.  However, it is not hopeless.  If you recognize the problem and want to change it, there are a number of things you can do to hone your skills and become more knowledgeable.  Start with READING!  There are SO MANY benefits to reading...

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