
Is it possible to keep this kitten?

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I have a cat that is 15 years old. She is a great cat that I have had for year. My dad lives in a small town in the middle of no where and found this stray kitten. My mother and I brought it to our house. My cat does not seem to like it. Shes been hissing lately. I don't want to take the kitten to the animal hospital as the kitten seems to be following us around and bounding with us already. Its already been abandoned by its mother and my dad. At the same time. I love my cat of 15 years and I don't want her to feel it replaced. Is it possible for them to ever co-exist?




  1. just let them get it out of there system t5hey will be fine in a couple of days. don't get involved and let them sort it out for themselves if you can give it a good home persevere with it . just keep an eye on them to make sure no one gets hurt. i had the same thing with my cat and they get on fine now

  2. Yes it is possible. I have a 9 year old cat that i've had since she was a baby, and I recently brought home a little foster kitten. At first, she hated the poor little thing. She hissed, swung her paw at him...The reason for this is because its her territory, and has been for a long time, and she feels its being invaded. After a week or two, your cat will start getting used to having another cat at home and she will let the kitten get closer, and sooner or later, they will be bonding.

    Good Luck!

  3. The cats will work out their relationship themselves. They'll be best buds or they'll learn to tolerate each other. Just keep an eye out so one does not hurt the other when they tangle. Break up the serious fights just so they both know who's boss.  

  4. just give your older cat plenty of tlc

  5. it will take some time for your cat to get used to any other cat in its territory, much less a bouncing kitten. it has been the only cat around for quite sometime. try interacting with both cats at the same time. maybe that way your cat won't feel as though it is being put out.  

  6. If the kitten has been wandering around on its own and you don't know the home it came from then it would be a good idea to have a vet check it out - you don't want to pass on any diseases like cat flu or feline aids to your other cat.  

    As for them getting on - it will take a little time - your cat is older and has been the only centre of attention ... it is probably also quite quiet now - so a new kitten that keeps jumping around, jumping on your cat going 'play with me! Play with me!' is not going to get in your cat's good books just yet!   The new kitten will have to learn to accept it's role as second and your other cat will need a little time to accept this new intruder .... make sure when you pet your kitten you also make a fuss of your own first cat - otherwise they will feel like they are being pushed out ... don't let the kitten play too rough with your cat - your cat I'm sure (like my 12year old with my 4months old kitten) appreciates being stuck up for! - it also adds to asserting your own cat's dominance in the house .... give it at least six months and they should get on like real buddies - even if the older cat just ignores the kitten! - they will have reached their own 'understanding'!......


  7. Your older cat may learn to tolerate the kitten; the hissing is about teaching the little one respect for the older one.  They will probably work it out, but your older cat may never be very friendly to the kitten . .

  8. try looking at some of these tips...

    hope this helps and good look

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