
Is it possible to learn 3 languages?

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I want to learn how to speack in japanese, Chinese, and korea and want to know if is possible to learn them or will it be too hard and just study one languages




  1. Of course it is possible for to learn 3 languages

  2. yeah i have a friend that speaks 7

  3. It is very possible to learn three languages. You can even learn more than three! It will take time to learn to speak your chosen languages fluently. However, if this is something you really want to do it is VERY possible!

  4. To me, anything is possible and you never know until you tried. So give it your best and see if you can.

  5. it is possible. so long as you have enough time and resources  and most importantly the interest in learning. What will make things hard is when you would like to learn them all at the same time. too confusing.

  6. it is possible.depends how dedicated you father in law speaks 5 languages

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