
Is it possible to learn SOME nunchaku techniques from books or dvds (read rest plz)?

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I live in qld and have done taekwondo and hapkido for 3 years now. Im trying to find somewhere to learn some nunchaku and sai techniques for fun and self defence. I can't find anywhere that teaches kobudo (okinaiwaian weapons martial arts) but if you know anywhere near brisbane please send me the link. But I have seen books and dvds showing some techniques. Are they worth it (remembering I only want to do nunchaku as a hobby/basic self defence)?

Thanks in advance




  1. Okay, my background is really in stick fighting.

    I always find nunchakus to be very hard to control. Mind you I have to practice in the twirl too for sticks to strengthen wrist and my grab.

    Nunchakus are just fancy weapon without real practical use in my opinion as after a contact you have to 'work' just to balance the weapon again.

    If by hobby you're talking of learning nunchakus to be able to flow it around, then yes, book and dvd will teach you how to do that provided you're willing to spend time practicing it. (Some martial art store actually sell a foam padded training nunchakus)

    But as self defense tool, I will suggest you take escrima or silat, the twirl can be pretty fancy and intimidating too, and I can guarantee you that they're much more useful as a self defense weapon.

    I included the wikipedia of the National Geographic documentary, Fight Science. Read the part about nunchakus.

  2. Hello Friend !

    To be brutally honest with you, you are playing with a dangerous weapon.  I strongly suggest to seek out competent instructor.  If you can't find one, you could perhaps just play with rubber or foam chucks.

    Here's what I have posted in the past regarding self-training.  With all the sincerity of my response, training via online, videos, or books without proper instruction and guidance from a qualified martial arts instructor are rarely a path one chose if they want to succeed and progressed as a serious and dedicated martial artist.

    Self-training using video, internet and books cannot turn you into a good or an effective martial arts practitioner. Many can argue that Bruce Lee did it, but how many had forgotten that Bruce Lee had a solid martial arts background before he ventured on to create Jeet Kune Do concept ?

    Another detrimental result by training online , videos, or books is that this method teaching medium cannot correct or give you advices either you're doing things right or even wrong. Training martial arts without proper instructions and supervision can also cause minor or even serious injury.

    Learning martial arts via online, videos, or books can be best described  having a online, videos, or books romance. You don't quite get the real thing !

    You might think that you may have discovered the ultimate and cheaper way of training in the martial arts, but when reality strikes, the facade and sloppiness of your "self-training" will show.   The worst that can happen also is having a false sense of security.

    A majority of self-taught, pseudo blackbelts, MMA poseurs and other fraudulent wanna-be martial arts "practitioners" are one of the main reasons why the general public looks down on the martial arts and its practitioners. Many of the long time legitimate practitioners of the martial arts regardless of styles finds this awfully frustrating and horrendous , when we spent half of our life trying to live up to the highest standard and virtues of our beloved art.  

    For long time and experienced practitioners of the martial arts , video training or other forms of training such as DVD's and the internet are just another "tool" in our  "toolbox"

  3. hey

    im from brisbane aswell and im pretty sure nunchaku are illegal here. or that what ive been told my my martial arts instructor and another friend who tried to get some. also the martial arts stores around dont seem to sell them.

  4. It's easy to learn nunchaku technique, they are very simple motions. The hard part about nunchaku is controlling them. When you hit something with a nunchaku, the force doesn't stop,  because that's not how energy works, so it bounces back at you. The hard part about nunchaku is taking this energy and redirecting it into something such as another nunchaku spin, or stopping it completely, so you don't use the weapon against yourself.

    That being said, I think a DVD could teach you basic nunchaku technique, yes.


  5. I am pretty sure that nanckaku are very illegal to carry where you are. I am also going to have to agree that these are very dangerous weapons. I made a home made pair well before I started actual training (Bruce Lee lol) and was trying a fancy pass behind my back up over the shoulder. 15 minutes later when I woke up I felt like my brain was leaking out the back of my skull.

    Please do not attempt to learn these without a qualified teacher.

    Edit for Manda M- Please do not think you know the usefulness of nunchucks and sai's if you have not used them. traditionally nunchucks are not use in the way you see in the movies or in most kata's done at tournements now days. those kata's are made up by sport karate people. The proper use of nunchucks is actually as more of a trapping/locking weapon. no fancy twirling if used correctly. As for the sai's, if you know what you are doing, they can be deadly. maybe you should do some study before trashing something.

    i quote from your wikipedia source:

    The most common martial arts to use nunchaku are the Chinese, Chinese-Okinawan and Okinawan martial arts such as some forms of karate/kobudo, but some Eskrima systems also teach practitioners to use nunchaku. For its part, Taekwondo teaches how to use one and two nunchaku, though in Korean, they are known as Ssahng Jeol Bahngs, or sometimes Ssahng Jeol Bongs. The styles of these three arts are rather different; the traditional Okinawan arts use the sticks primarily to grip and lock, while the Filipino arts use the sticks primarily for striking, while Taekwondo teaches a combination of both.

    Read the part about how Okinawin styles use them.

  6. check out Fumio Demura's books and belt magazines website. or any other "kobudo" videos.

    you cant use nunchuku for real here, they are very illegal to carry. i wouldnt put too much faith in them...even bruce lee said they are practically useless once. my sensei used to teach how to lock joints with about pain!!!

    shihan Mikio Nishiuchi has some very good kobudo videos too.

    YouTube - What does Kobudo mean - Part 1 (and two) ..check them out. his videos are from panther productions, and century. i believe he even offers a very detailed home study program...if interested i can probably find it for you (his partner offers uechi ryu karate home study)

    anyone who tells you that you can't learn by videos and books in my opinion are short changing themselves, and closing their minds to good learning opportunities.

    some of the top martial artists in the US...offer web based, video based home study programs, and many of them i've talked to personally say their distance students actually progress BETTER and FASTER than regular students who only come to class twice a week for an hour or two. if they confirm it, who are we to argue. and itll be even easier for you because you are already somewhat experienced in martial arts.

    3 main paths to learning for me

    1st part is what your teachers teach you 9class, seminars..etc)

    2nd part is what you "figure out'' through the act of learning and practicing. (experience...years...competition..sparr...

    3rd part is supplimentary learning such as videos and books.

    half of what i know about martial arts comes from videos and books. like any other thing you just have to get good videos that TEACH not demonstrate the art. and you MUST MUST MUST have correspondance from the teacher via phone, web, or at least email. if you want rank or anything. and to answer questions.

    if nothing else, its very interesting and helpful to learn about the history of various arts...characteristics of different can at the very least give you a few ideas...and well...its just fun to read about martial arts.

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