
Is it possible to learn a language online?

by Guest10838  |  earlier

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any examples? any websites that would do that?




  1. It's possible, but like learning any language, the online sites can only be a guide.

    Spellchecker, I'm going to type 'online' whether you like it or not.

  2. No

    most language/translation sites have the words in mixed up order.

    Only a human can teach you the proper sounds, verbs, nouns, and adj.

    To learn a new language take alot of time a patience.  

  3. Yes go to.


  4. Have you considered Rosetta Stone?  It isn't a website, but it -is- a computer program.

  5. No matter how many sites you'll see, I don't think it is possible to learn language online, unless you're talking of higher level of a language you already know the base of. You need to speak, listen, write, exercise.  

  6. or .org... i cant remember!

    you have to become a member but it's totally worth it. you can print off worksheets, there are loads of different ways of learning each topic. it's what helped me to become fluent in german.

    the languages it teaches include french, spanish, german and italien, and more. have fun!

  7. You could also try YouTube; where there are lots of amateur language teachers, as well as one or two good ones.

    The BBC has a vast collection of language programmes.  Look at to see when they are aired on TV and radio.  If you miss them you can watch them on iPlayer, or the radio ones on Real Player.

  8. yes it's possible


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