
Is it possible to learn how to whistle at 19? ?

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i can't whistle and i really want to learn. any type of whistling at all but i dont even know if its possible or if its something you just know how to do. is it too late to learn? :P thanks




  1. I just learned today and I'm 21, so I suppose that answers your question?

    It sounds weak at first, but once you practice and get the lip positioning right, you can get a stronger note. The link provided will show you how to whistle normally without the aid of fingers or cheap tricks. Practice!

  2. If it is possible to learn when your a kid (like most do) than it is definetly possible to at 19.

    Good luck honey :)

  3. Your never to old ;)))

  4. My son learned at 13, so I'm guessing you can learn even now. The link below has step-by-step how to whistle.  Just click on "Next Step" to the lower right of the How to Whistle for Those Who Just Can't pic.

    Good luck!!

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