
Is it possible to learn more than one fighting style?

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is it possible to learn more than one fighting style like (tai chi, kung fu)

and be successfully in all of them and what should i do to begin my training




  1. Of course. In fact it can be very beneficial learning different approach and concepts.

    In MMA, most competitors do bjj and muay thai.

    Good luck.

  2. Absolutely you can learn as many different styles as you have interest and drive to keep you going through.

    I started on my martial arts journey at 6 when my oldest brother first started teaching me some basic self defense, punches and kicks. Now at 38 I have black belts in 2 different arts Tae Kwon Do and Chinese Kempo, and have spent time studying Shaolin Do, Wing Chun, Lung Shih Po, Kyo Koshin Karate, Boxing, Kickboxing, Bushindo Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Isshin Ryu and spent some time training with some pretty good wrestlers just to kind of add an extra little wrinkle to what I learned about take downs and defense against take downs in Judo and both Jiu Jitsu styles I trained in.

    There are no limits for the human mind or body except those that we impose on ourselves. I started doing Bushindo Jiu Jitsu while I was actively competing as an amateur kickboxer. I was training in kickboxing 3 or 4 days a week and doing Bushindo classes 2 times a week. Always remeber that, the only thing that can hold you back is you. Fortunately enough the reverse is also true in that nothing and no one can push you father than you can push yourself if you have the will and the discipline.

    As for getting started, check out some of the schools in your area that interest you. When you settle on the one you think you will enjoy the most and feel the most comfortable around the people there jump in with both feet and really dedicate yourself to it, once you have gained some level of proficiency and comfort for your first art if you want to start adding on from there just do it. No second guessing, no worries about how it is going to go just get in there and get to it. It will be rough at times, but if you want it bad enough and enjoy it enough then you'll be fine.

    Good luck!!  

  3. duh

    thats all i can say dude.

  4. yes, just go to some lessons.

    some people find it hard to do different martial arts because techniques are slightly different but there will also be some similar techniques. i think if you do multiple martial arts you learn more and you will eventually improve more maybe not at first but eventually you will have more techniques to use and you will know different ways to do things.

  5. For many it is a matter of:

    Do you want to learn a style


    Do you want to learn a style WELL?

    Just like languages...

    Some people are natural linguists, some people have problems with their native language.

  6. Yes, and Yes. as long as you put the time and effort into it you can and will. You must also have the cash to spend though too.

  7. For some people, it's too confusing.  For others, they see the similarities and it helps them.

    Most martial artists will train in more than one style, but they get proficient at one first.  Frankly, that's the way I'm going with it.

  8. of course, the more you learn the better, now you dont HAVE to learn every single style thoroughly (depending what is your goal). but learn enough so that you create your OWN style that WORKS for YOU.

    if you wanna be a master in every single one you touch.....try mastering one style at a time, since time is wat holds us back from learning everything

  9. listen carefully. yes you can do whatever you want to, and never let anyone tell you differnet.

    people say you should learn one style "well" ...i dont see why. there is no such thing as a pure style. there is no such thing as a style that isnt mixed with something else. and there are plenty of people who learn multiple styles well. you dont have to learn one first or anything

    there is only skill. and ways of achieving it.

  10. you can, UFC is mixed martial arts. i don't know how you would get there, though.

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