
Is it possible to learn that much?

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I have a maths exam in 4 days(today being the 1st day) which can determine if I fail my year or not since I've had really low marks throughout the year.

If I fail I might have to repeat year 11(second last year of school) which would be really bad.

I've procrastinated all this time, and now I have an exam about calculus etc which I know NOTHING about.

So I have 4 days to learn calculus and confusing trigonometry.

I want to know if it's possible, because this is the motivation I need.




  1. Is it actually a real test or is someone fooling you? If it is a test... d**n, good luck. That will be rough.

  2. If you just need to pass the exam, then that can easily be done. But to achieve higher than a pass, its still possible with four days left, but you'll need to put some long hours of study, and burn the midnight oil.

    Good luck mate.

  3. It is possible to learn all of it a small amount of time. You need to be totally focused and to study smart. Find study guides.  

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