
Is it possible to let your child choose their own name?

by  |  earlier

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Like wait until they are four or something?




  1. No, you must name the baby within so many days.  Here is it required you name them before they are released from the hospital unless they are being put up for adoption or something but you can change their name in the future and give them the option of picking a new name.  

  2. And what, call them "kid" or "hey you" for the first 4 years of their life???  Even then, they'd choose to be called "poopyhead" or "spongebob" or whatever they hear that's funny at the time.  At 4, they don't know what they want to be called for the rest of their life.  

    I think it's up to the parents to name them when they're born... then if the kids don't like it, they can always change it when they're old enough to.

  3. no but you could always change it for them but four is a funny age cause you would probably get something like Elmo or tinki winki

  4. Have you ever heard of Peekaboo Street???  She is/was an Olympic skier.  She picked her own name.

  5. In a way yes it is.  My son went home from the hospital before we had decided totally on his name (well I did Dad didn't) They just gave us 10 days or he would be named baby boy (our last name) and then we would have to go in front of a judge and change it.  It didn't seem like a big deal to do it so yes I think it possible.

    When I was pregnant all of the kids names just kind of came to me and I wouldn't really think I would of picked that exact name, but they are all perfect fits.  Plus I don't think Id let a 4 year old pick his own name remember Big Daddy?  Maybe 6 or 7 though. Or there will be alot of Superman's and Princess Ariel's around.

  6. I think you could but why would someone want to. What if they decide they don't like that name in about 4 more years, are you going to let them change it again! Kids are kids. That isn't something I would let my child do. If they don't like the name I chose, they can  get the money and change it when they are 18!

  7. i don't think so.  

  8. A child needs a name before they turn four. Before a child is one they learn their name. You have to give them a name to be put on the birth certificate. However, you can always pay to have their name legally changed when they're old enough to pick their own. I remember as a child I wished my name was California, and that's NOT the name I would choose now, lol. One of the great perks of being a parent is getting to choose the name of the child. As long as you don't choose something too out there your child won't get made fun of. But, if you would like to let your four year old pick their name, it's a simple court procedure to have the name changed and it usually costs somewhere between 250-1000 US dollars. Good luck!

  9. If there is I would be called shanaynay ....for some reason around the age 4 I use to hate my mom for not naming me shanaynay....I have no idea why.

    also, if we all got to choose out names at 4 im pretty sure we'd all have pretty crazy names like "purple-star" "sunflower-rose" "princess-butterfly-angel" or "monster-hulk-man" hehehe

    you could always give them a name and then ask them if they want to change their name around that age I suppose?? but I think legally you have to have a name on the birth certificate before you leave the hospital.

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