
Is it possible to lose 30 pounds by Christmas?

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I'm not one of those people who want to lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks..

I would like to know if it's possible to lose 30 pounds by Christmas, if so how?




  1. Of course it is! But you need rigorious training. Stay in the gym every day. Lift weights but only apply it to that area every other day cause muscles need to rest 24hrs. Run a good 2-3 miles everyday too. You'll be shedding pounds in no time. It all depends on your bodys genetic ability to lose weight.

  2. When  losing  weight,  you should follow the dual course: exercise and

    diet  together.  If  you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger

    appetite,  which  will  lead  to  increase  of  weight, or muscle grow

    underneath  the  fat  layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without

    exercising,  you  will  become  flabby  and will have excess skin. For

    diet,  go  wheat  free.  No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food

    after  7  p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on

    your  initial  weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If

    you  don't  eat  wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey

    cakes,  you  don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your

    diet  is  still  balanced.  It  costs  nothing, and you do not have to

    calculate  points  or  to  buy special meals or plans. For exercising,

    start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the

    most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a

    lot,  walk  first  or you may have health complications (heart attack,

    disjointed  bones and so on) For targeting your problem areas, check up

    these  Workout  Exercises  :  Weight Training, Plyometrics , Stretches

    (Flexibility),  Pilates,  Ball, Cardio Dumbbells, Cables etc. 100's Of

    Exercises.  They  have animated photos, so it's easy to understand how

    to do them.

  3. Yep, two hours of cardio a day, 30 mins of weight training, no carbs, sweets and a very low fat diet...(lots of fruit, veggies, and lean meat) Dont forget your vitimans.

  4. Its possible, of course. There are several other factors, however, before somebody could say its possible for you. Someone who is overweight might be able to lose this, but someone who is just about average weight and just wants to be thin will have a harder time with this.

    First off, a healthy eating style is essential to weight loss.

    Second, consistent exercise, daily, is also very important.

    Remember, it isn't healthy to lose more then one to two pounds a week. Any more, and it wont be healthy, or long lasting.

    Also, a common misconception of people is that cutting back on calories can do this. Unfortunately, if you cut back to much, your body will think its being starved and hold onto the weight. And any weight that you lose, will be gained back twice as quickly.

    So, exercise, a round diet while cutting out junk food, etc, and no less then 1500 calories a day.

    Remember though, its not the 30 pounds you want to lose, its the size you want to become smaller, the inches off the measurements that you want to lose. Muscle mass weighs more then fat, so your weight might not drop, but you could be in excellent shape, and lose the critical measurements by Christmas time.

  5. Easily.  Exercise 30-60 minutes every day (even just a walk).   Avoid sweets, soda pop, restaurant food, fast food, fatty foods.  Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, lean meat.  Drink lots of water.  Learn proper portion sizes.  

  6. yupp it defintly is...wuth a diet and excersise around 3 days a week..u can easly lose up to 5 pounds a week...only thing is staying motivated through the first 2 weeks..since u probbaly ownt see results..but right around the third week when u start losing wiehgt poeple start saying ur face looks smaller...ull automatically get motivated

    keep a small portion anything that u think might be healthy and not total fat...but onyl in portions small servigs...try eating lots of protein and just cut out juink...and the mircle der..WATER!!! alot of Water

    this is a long term goal...stay motivated and ull be surprised ull have it done even before christmas GOOD LUCK

  7. Only if you're British and have a hole in your pocket.

  8. Yes for sure, Only thing you must be dedicated and self motivated.

    I had done my self.

    Good luck!

  9. It is possible but not easy to lose such a large amount of weight . A more realistic goal should be 15 pounds. From Sept. through Dec. you can easily lose 4 pounds per month. Studies have shown that a gradual weight loss has more lasting results than "quick weight loss" or those diet schemes that make millions.

    Do not deprive yourselff offoodd or drink, just eat less than before and exercise daily.  DAILY exercise could include walking the dog, hiking, biking, and other fun stuff.

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