
Is it possible to lower your bike?

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I got on new motorbike, and i realized I can't put both my feet flat on the ground while standing.

So...can I lower the bike anyhow? Just, you know, make it more stable if I can put my feet flat on ground.




  1. Anthony gives great advice, listen to it. It's hard enough to control a mc without altering it's handling ability. OK, I know I'm going to get slammed, but don't do it unless you have the years in a saddle I have, have altered as many bikes as I have, and attended as many funerals  as I have. The engineers and designers didn't do years of R & D and then sale a bike that needs lowered. You can install a kit to change the frontend rake and front end extensions, you can do a lot of things to a mc but I strongly recommend not lowereing one, if you insist, don't just use a lowereing kit with your stock frontend tubes, and be wary of the rear lowering methods.  

  2. buy taller boots

  3. gaurdrail got it mostly right  as usual....usually gives sound advice..

    but I do beg to differ on one point ... not all fork tubes can be slid through the triple trees...

    & if you put lowering links in the back to drop it an inch...  you do need to drop the front the same....

  4. Always give year, make, engine size and model # when asking questions. We need all of that info to give an informed answer.

    Newer sportbikes can lower the rear with lowering links.

    Cruisers can have their rear suspension softened up, to let it sit lower.

    All bikes can push the front forks up through the steering stem, to lower the front.

    Seats can have their padding shaved a little, to lower the seat height a little more.

    You can usually lower the seat height by 3-4 inches.

  5. There are kits for a lot of bikes that can lower the front, back, or both.  I've also heard of pushing the front end down to get you a little closer to the ground.  The best way is to get a seat that will sit you lower or cut down the original as the first person mentioned, so you aren't altering your clearance or the bikes capabilities.  It may take a lot of research and asking riders of the model you are interested in what they use.  Your smartest choice is to get a bike that fits you the way it is.

  6. not always a good idea to lower your bike due to the geomerty of the suspension designed for your bike, but you can have the seat foam altered 1/2 to 3 inches by having a local auto or motorcycle upholstry shop take a look at it and show you what they will do. I have done my seat the same way and added 2 inches of additional seat foam

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