
Is it possible to make a pics kb small not the pic?

by Guest66479  |  earlier

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well i have a .gif i want to put on livejournal but its 981 kb. it has to be 40 kb or less. but when i change the pic size it would too small to even see what the pic is. what can i do?




  1. You must edit it in an editing program that has both the ability to edit the display size and resolution. A simple program such as paint only has a size option. If you are using HTML with the <img> tag you can add the size option to make it larger.


  2. Try saving it as a JPEG (aka JPG) image.  GIFs are usually animated photos (though not always) so they take up more space.  JPEGs generally display one of the smallest memory requirements, while still retaining the larger resolution.  If that does not get you close enough then you may have to resize the photo down 10 or 20 percent (enough to still see the image clearly).

    Btw, MS Paint is probably the easiest to use since just about everyone has it these days.

  3. Gifs are about as small as .jpgs, very few of them are animated.

    Download and install the freeware IrfanView, it has many useful features, yet is extremely easy to handle. Once it is installed, open your pic with it, go to "image" in the top bar, click "change size" (even when you don't want to change measurements!), change the DPI (dots per inch) settings to 72, then save your pic as .gif. That reduces the size considerably.

  4. EZ thumb

    will change the KB of the picture and not the size and you can change the acspect size as well if youd like

    free program also  :)

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