
Is it possible to make hydrogen at home by elctrolysis and store in a tank to run a car?

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Recently one company has introduced an equipment to make hydrogen by electrolysis at home and store in a special tank for running car. Anyone has details about this? Please mail me




  1. Yes it possible, but not practical.

    Let's say you put solar panel on the roof of your average American house, you could generate enough power to charge a battery pack that would get you about 50 miles per day. Now if you take that power and convert it into hydrogen and use that in a car you could drive about 10 miles, not counting the loss for compression and storage.

    Hydrogen is a pipe dream until someone come up with a cheap clean way to make it.


  2. yes there are several either on the market or will be soon.

    this is just one link.

  3. Ya but you cant run a regular car on it...

  4. For that you will first have to buy a car which runs on hydrogen . The rest follows :::: :-D

  5. Why not? To avoid crisis of electricity, after generating the same I use to keep it in a wooden box. Similarly it is also possible.

  6. Possible? Yes

    Practical? No

    Economical? No

    Safe? Probably not

  7. The main danger of useing hydrogen ,is having a tank full.. If it blows up it could kill more than just U. U need a small generator so that U would never have much available at any time...

  8. May be

    thanks for giving me two  points

  9. definitely not a safe option. better try this: Thekit recommended by them is just awesome and doing a great job for me.

  10. Making it is easy, I learned how to do it in my 7th grade science class. All that is needed is a small solar cell or battery and containers to store the hydrogen. Storing and using it in your car is a little more complicated but Honda makes a car that runs on Hydrogen so it is possible to do it safely and economically.

    I've seen ads and commercials for making your car run on water, basically the fuel source that you would use to create said hydrogen and how they function I do not know. I know hydrogen is lighter than air so you would not be able to store it in your gas tank as much of it would escape when you removed the lid, so you would need a modified fuel tank.

    Your fuel lines would probably suffice to transport the hydrogen from the tank to the engine, and with fuel injection I don't think that you would have any problem getting it into the cylinder. Getting the water out of the cylinder after combustion might pose an issue and would be very detrimental to your catalytic convert and the rest of your exhaust system.

    I would recommend checking out the Honda FCX to see how they did it, though that might be a fuel cell which is different.

    Most of the conversion kits I think have you use hydrogen along with gasoline to fuel your car, you will still have the storage and water removal issues. Also I don't know how the car's computer system will tolerate a different fuel type or even what issues that might arise from this computer from the conversion.

    I would do your homework on this well before investing in this product.

    The concept is valid but the non-fuel costs might be more than advertised and you could end up spend even more money on other things like exhaust system replacements, more repair work. part replacements hydrogen burns at a different temperature then gasoline.

    Hope this helps.

  11. thy this; put two upturned jars in a large pan. fill the pan with salty water. use a bendy straw to suck the air out of the tops of the jars. then put two metal plates connected to wires up in ether jar then put the wires on a car battery.

    then.... make the whole thing 20 times bigger. you get the picture.

    good luck.

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