
Is it possible to make money on penny stocks?

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With liquidity so low and the opportunity for being duped so high has anyone ever made a living buying and selling penny stocks? I mean I know the people behind the scenes make money, but any outside people?




  1. Yes, of course it is.  Much more likely to lose all your money.

  2. Daniel,

    It is certainly possible to make money or to lose your shirt on penny stocks.  I personally know plenty of people who have done one or the other of those.  But the problem is the high volatility and inherent unstable nature of these stocks.  This often causes them to move a huge amount for no apparent reason, both up and down.

    Is it possible?  Yes, certainly.  Would I recommend it for most people?  Never.

  3. Not outsiders. Unless really, really lucky.

  4. In the modern days of regulation, I am amazed that penny stocks are not more regulated.

    Most people lose money. The market makers and the people who brought  the stock public tend to make the lion's share.

    Occasionally, their is a legit company of the 1000's of shells. This is RARE. The odds of finding it is like playing the lotto.

  5. I know how.

    Good Luck

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