
Is it possible to make/power a homemade go-kart with a lawn mower or weed hacker motor and go at a good speed?

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Don't need to worry about the rest. I'm just wondering if it's possible.

Also, if you have any ideas about how to connect it to the wheels or any other ideas, those would help.




  1. Lawn mower engines are not so easy because mount is on the bottom. So you have to use belts and pullys instead of chain.Weed eater motors don't quite have the power. But now if you could get your hands on a mac culloch chainsaw engine you would be in heaven.They have RPM's of 11,000 to 15,000. They really move.

  2. it is is a motor.

  3. Lawn mower engines are vertical shafts and most go carts have a horizontal shaft. Trying to rig a vertical shaft is very difficult.

  4. This brings back memories. A neighbor did that years ago.  The go cart was fast!

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