
Is it possible to make the prostate smaller. Mine is alittle large for my age (39). But not much. ?

by Guest60870  |  earlier

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Any help would be appreciated. Waiting to see Doctor but would like to know before I start asking him questions. Could I take prostate health supplements, change the diet alittle etc.. Thanks




  1. See your doc but he'll probably refer you to a Urologist. Yes there are meds that will shrink the prostate but it takes an expert opinion.

  2. How do u know your prostate is larger than it should be? Maybe first ask yourself, do u have any problem with it? If yes then go to the doctor and tell him the simptoms if no then don't bother with it. Normally prostate can have different size but it doesn't have to be small. When it's too large it makes problems but then u should know about it with a pain

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