
Is it possible to move up during a concert?...and how??

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I am going to go see coldplay at the toyota center(houston). my seat is in floor A row 14 and though i am aware they are good seats i wanted to know if its possible to move one or a couple of rows up??...and if there is, how?




  1. Only if the seats are not taken. Since it's coldplay, I doubt the good seats will be empty.

  2. Don't take someone else's seat!  Depends on the crowd and the venue.  If everyone is on their feet for the whole concert, then you can try to move up.  However, there might be ushers and guards who will tell you sit down.  Look around for empty seats and sit at them...when and if the people show up then you will just have to play dumb and move back to your seats.

  3. 1. If there is an open seating area or open standing area in front, try to walk down and move in.

    2. Keep an eye out for empty seats and take them over. If the owners show up, move back to your old seat (keep your stub!)

    3. Smooze up to staff and ask them nicely to move you up.

    Your not going to get tossed unless you're being a prick, so give anything a shot without being overly awful to someone or annoying a bouncer.

  4. It really depends on the venue. I'm not familiar with the Toyota center, but here in Denver, I've never ended up sitting in the same seat I originally started out with... you need to keep your eyes open on the empty seats ahead of you... are they empty for a long time... is security camped out at a certain place... best time to make a move is right before they start their first set... if you fail... try again later.

  5. go near the best seat {your desire seats} pretend your going to the rest room {it works best in a couple senario} kiss your boyfriend good bye make sure security sees you, and tell him yourgoing to the restroom, tell to wait and that you'll be back soon:. have him wait at the seats!!! come back with in 5min nod and smile to the security gard meet up with him at the seats are your set.  it worked for the V.I.P. section for the Morrissey concert.

  6. pretend you're bono's grandpa

  7. i did at the garth brooks concert noone was in there seats anyway so easy  go thru the crowd and weasel your way up

  8. well you can buy better tickets if there are better ones left or sometimes they do contests to upgrade your seats so if you can be in a contest go for it if you want better seats bad!

  9. crowd surf hehe

  10. I like ya Style! I would be trying to move up too! There are two ways you can play this>>You can either get to the concert really early and grab the available seat that you want. And if someone bothers you just slightly show them the ticket stub and tell them row#_chair#_ is your seat!!

    Or you can get wait until the concert gets started and find you a closer open seat and go take it!!

  11. Well i dont think this is possible unless you buy diffrent tickets? Well also if you know the people in frount of you you could maybe switch or if their nice people the would probablly switch

  12. you wait until the concert starts and then you move up to the rows that still have empty chairs.

    some places will ticket different sections and you might not be able to move up.  some places don't have different ticket prices (or don't care once the show starts).

    you might have to cut through the middle rather than an isle if they are still checking tickets that have cost differences.

  13. Of course you can move up... When I have S****y seats, I never keep them. Just move up as far as you possibly can, people probably won't be sitting down anyways making it less easy to tell who has seats and who doesn't. It's really not a big deal..

  14. Haha coldplay is awesome by the way yo. But heres what i think pretty much everybody will be standing nobody will really notice if you push your way to the front of the whole thing.. I ALWAYS move up by the crappiest tickets and move all the way up.. its that simple no one will notice =D

  15. if there is no one in a seat and if a security gaurd isnt asked tickets for that section

    have funn!

  16. just push your way up, that's what we always do. haha.

  17. You buy better tickets, you can probably get them from scalpers, you're going to have to fork over a lot more money. Probably not worth it for another few rows up.

  18. walk...?

  19. depends on the concert. If the tickets are for reserved seating, then you are not supposed to move up - someone might be coming in late and want their seats... and someone might move up and take yours when you move up. That would leave you with no seats.

  20. Bring a taser.  Be discreet.

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