
Is it possible to only be capable of making all Baby boys or all baby girls?

by  |  earlier

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I would like another child. I have a 2 year old son now, and it would be nice to have a daughter. (i'll take any gender, being given the gift to concieve a child is the greatest gift ever,gender doesnt matter) My question is, is it possible for a person to only be able to make all boys or all girls? I see people who havea boy and try for a girl next thing you know 5 boys later, still no girl, or vice versa. My family always makes an even amount of the two, and my fiance wouldve had 2 brothers, plus him and his sister. Besides that his family is also even with boys and girls. what are my chances of having another boy or a girl?




  1. The general contention is that if you have s*x on the day of your ovulation the out come of conception is likely to be a male child and if you have s*x about 1 to 2 days before the ovulation date it may be a girl child.

    In both the cases it is better for the male partner to abstain from s*x totally during the first week of your periods.

  2. My ob told me that boy sperm swim faster but die sooner and girl sperm are stronger and live longer.  So if you want a girl you should try to have s*x before the actual day of ovilation because then the girl sperm should be the only ones that are left by the time the egg is released.  If you want a boy then you should have s*x after ovilation because they are faster and have a better shot of getting there sooner.  I have no idea the percent of accuracy.  She told me this a few months ago when we were thinking about having our 4th child.  We already have 3 girls and  have decided not to even try out the theory because who needs 4 girls!?  (only joking, we just don't need 4 kids no matter what they are.  lol)

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