
Is it possible to only feel sad at night?

by Guest64380  |  earlier

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i always feel down in the evening and i have no idea why cz im always very happy/engergetic during the day.

i dont really know what im asking here so maybe ill just let people answer.




  1. I think so, sometimes when im lying in bed i get really down, like REALLY down, but im usually pretty happy

    Woah, thanks for sharing that video warpath1979...that was amazing

  2. it might jsut be cuz of the dark. in some parts of the world it will saty dark for days at a time even weeks. it was found that they have more people feeling sad and the reason was the lack of light. or maybe cuz that when your day is comeing to and end and there is not so much going on. try doing soemthing you really like at night so that you have something to do and no time to feel sad. however if you still feel that way i would look into it more cuz your body is tring to tell you something and you should always try to listen.  

  3. Yes, it's possible. You may suffer from an imbalance of serotonin. It just might be that your brain has irregular releases of serotonin, and ofen finds itself low on serotonin later in the day. It may also be that you often spend evenings alone; alone time is often a time of self-reflection and criticism. It could also be that you associate certain triggered memories with nighttime, whether it be love life or feelings of abandonment/lonliness/etc.  

  4. Absolutely.  In psychiatry, its called diurnal mood variation meaning your mood varies by time of day.  It has long been observed in bipolar patients.  Even if you don't have a mental health condition, your probably tired and stressed after a long day and more prone to feeling down and isolated.

  5. I felt the same way for the longest time. Then, by chance, I was introduced to the Law of Attraction. My life has done a complete 180...

    This worked for me.

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